The Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu's media advisor wears IDF uniform despite not being drafted

  (photo credit: REUVEN CASTRO)
(photo credit: REUVEN CASTRO)

Jonatan Urich is one of the prime minister's most senior and loyal associates.

Jonatan Urich, a media advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was spotted in recent days at the Prime Minister's office in the Kirya wearing an IDF uniform, even though he wasn't drafted into reserve service. 

Urich, a close advisor and political spokesperson for the Prime Minister, previously served in the IDF spokesperson unit but has not been called up for the current crisis.

Urich has not commented on the report, initially published by Channel 11, and has not explained why he wears a uniform despite not serving in the reserves.  

Wearing IDF uniforms, including uniform components, for individuals who are not on active duty soldiers is explicitly forbidden.


A trusted advisor

At 34 years old, Urich is one of Netanyahu's most senior and loyal associates, having been with him since the 2015 elections, where he started as a new media consultant for the Likud party. 

Currently, he serves as a Likud spokesperson and a strategic advisor to Netanyahu, employed through the party rather than the Prime Minister's Office. 

Urich, along with two other advisors to Netanyahu, is suspected of harassing Shlomo Filber, a state witness in Case 4000 and the former director general of the Ministry of Communications, during the 2019 elections. The state attorney's office announced last June that it intends to prosecute them pending a hearing.
