The Jerusalem Post

No judges will be appointed unilaterally by government, MK Tropper says

 Culture and Sports Minister Chili Tropper speeks to the Israeli Olympic delegation competing at the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo during a ceremony at the President's Residence in Jerusalem on June 23, 2021 (photo credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)
Culture and Sports Minister Chili Tropper speeks to the Israeli Olympic delegation competing at the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo during a ceremony at the President's Residence in Jerusalem on June 23, 2021
(photo credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)

A number of coalition members criticized Tropper, arguing that this was an attempt to sabotage the talks.

National Unity will not agree to the coalition appointing any judges unilaterally, National Unity MK Chilli Tropper said in an interview on Ynet Radio on Thursday morning.

"The coalition will not appoint any judges – not one, not two, not at all," he said. "We paid a price for this power-hungry government."

A number of coalition members criticized Tropper, arguing that this was an attempt to sabotage the talks.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin condemned Tropper's comments.


"It turns out that behind his supposedly statesmanlike demeanor, hides something else completely."

 President Isaac Herzog leads the first round of judicial reform negotiations in the President's Residence in Jerusalem on March 28, 2023 (credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)
President Isaac Herzog leads the first round of judicial reform negotiations in the President's Residence in Jerusalem on March 28, 2023 (credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)

"MK Tropper, using rude language, announces in advance that from National Unity's perspective, this is not a practical negotiation but a show intended to blow up the talks and ignite the country.

"I call on all the opposition's representatives to come to the negotiating table out of responsibility and real will to arrive at an agreement that will respect the enormous public that yearns for a real reform in the judicial system," Levin said.

Other MKs to attack Tropper included Likud MK Tally Gotliv and Religious Zionist Party MK Tzvi Sukkot.

How did Tropper react to criticism?

Tropper responded, "Our position is consistent, it was said for months and at the president's residence: We have the responsibility to do everything possible to arrive at agreements. In the interview this morning I also said that we must make a joint effort in order to avoid returning to burning streets and deepening the schism in the nation. All of the sides are hurting, and we all need to listen to the voices and pain of everyone [else]."


"I understand that the blame games have already started, but the issue is simple and everyone is welcome to listen to the full interview, and not make declarations based on partial quotes."

"Just like the coalition's supporters, we also have principles, including that the government does not appoint judges unilaterally. There are different positions and now everything must be done in order to arrive at an agreement that will safeguard democracy and prevent a schism in the people," Tropper concluded.

According to the coalition's bill that was frozen until after the Knesset's Passover recess on April 2, the coalition will have a majority of six out of 11 members on the Judicial Selections Committee and may use its majority to appoint two High Court judges unilaterally per Knesset.  

