The Jerusalem Post

Will Yair Golan recruit activists to establish a unity camp?

 Yair Golan attends a conference at the Reichman University in Herzliya, on February 6, 2024. (photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)
Yair Golan attends a conference at the Reichman University in Herzliya, on February 6, 2024.
(photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)

Former Knesset member Yair Golan won the Labor Party leadership primaries recently and discussed his party's future plans.

Former Member of Knesset and Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan was recently elected as the new head of the Labor Party. Golan spoke this Wednesday with Udi Segal and Anat Davidov on their program on 103FM radio and articulated his plans for the future of the party.

At the beginning of the interview, Golan said, "Our goal from the beginning of the campaign is to establish a large and strong liberal democratic sector. It will require unity and people who understand that they must enter the political arena to save the country. Therefore, I chose to declare that in order to achieve unity, the party will require rebranding and a new name."

"My condemnation of a Palestinian state will probably be a political setback with Spain or Norway. We need to act in a balanced way. Currently, there is a war going on without a logical definition of the goals of the war. My condemnation has no significance because Israel is imposing global isolation on itself as it refuses to acknowledge that we are alone in the world," Golan added.

 Former Meretz MK Yair Golan (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
Former Meretz MK Yair Golan (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)

Israel needs to clarify its position on the Palestinians

"This will continue to happen with additional countries if we do not specifically highlight that we have some vision for the Gaza Strip, for the State of Israel, and for the region. We were the ones who needed to promote a solution and declared to the world that we had clear intentions regarding the Palestinian arena," said Golan. "Israel needs to stand at the center of the regional and global front against the Iranian threat".


Golan then concluded, "The fighting should have been stopped 4.5 months ago when we completed the military operation to decimate Hamas. Unfortunately, the prime minister does not honestly want the release of the hostages because he understands that it will lead to the end of the war. He is dragging the country towards disaster and we must change our political direction".


Edited by Michal Kadosh for 103FM radio.
