The Jerusalem Post

Minister Amichai Eliyahu calls out Attorney General: 'There is paralysis within the system'

 Amichai Eliyahu  (photo credit: Olivia Pitosi)
Amichai Eliyahu
(photo credit: Olivia Pitosi)

Minister Amichai Eliyahu discusses Hamas's response to hostage deal, coalition disagreements, and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara's political views.

Heritage Affairs Minister Amichai Eliyahu recently spoke on 103FM radio, discussing Hamas's response to the outline of the latest hostage deal proposal and the differences of opinion between members of the coalition and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Eliyahu stated: "To rely on Hamas is to return to the mistakes of the Oslo Accords. We must trust only ourselves, the people. We want the hostages and the missing to return as soon as possible. We must simultaneously maintain the security of the State of Israel. We do not trust the judgment of anyone who supported the expulsion of Gush Katif and allowed Hamas to strengthen, we trust the judgment of Otzma Yehudit." 

Eliyahu stands firm on political views

"We will not allow Hamas to continue to exist," he continued. "We cannot allow this war to end without breaking the capacity of the terrorist organizations. What is hard to understand about this? Anyone who has a distorted worldview and wants to give prisoners good conditions in Israeli prisons should go home and bring to the State of Israel fighters who want to win.

"There are generals who are afraid of their own shadows... We have been warned for three decades that those who hand over parts of Israel will bring missiles upon Tel Aviv and a disaster like we never imagined," Eliyahu continued. "For three decades we screamed, cried, and [tried to warn the public]. Gali Baharav-Miara should be fired, she is opposed to the government. In this case, it is clear where there is paralysis within the system." 

