The Jerusalem Post

Bennett's back: Gideon Saar confirms Naftali Bennett will return to politics

 POTENTIAL NETANYAHU successors? Gideon Sa’ar, Yair Lapid, and Avigdor Liberman meet on Wednesday.  (photo credit: Yair Lapid X page)
POTENTIAL NETANYAHU successors? Gideon Sa’ar, Yair Lapid, and Avigdor Liberman meet on Wednesday.
(photo credit: Yair Lapid X page)

Right-wing politicians hint at political cooperation and the return of former PM Naftali Bennett in a bid to oust Netanyahu at the next elections.

For the first time, the Chairman of the New Hope party, MK Gideon Sa'ar, during the faction's meeting on Monday, referred to the possibility of future political cooperation with the former prime minister, Naftali Bennett.

He clarified: "Negotiations are taking place. I met with Bennett on the eve of Shavuot (June 11). I understand that he intends to return to politics. There is an ongoing dialogue between the opposition parties. Not everything is released for publication."

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Yisrael Beytenu party, MK Avigdor Liberman, also addressed the issue and said: "No one is fighting for first place. Everyone is talking to everyone. There is a good atmosphere, and the position is that we must win and bring as many mandates as possible. We are in daily conversations."

Former prime minister Naftali Bennett seen in an illustrative (credit: FLASH90)
Former prime minister Naftali Bennett seen in an illustrative (credit: FLASH90)

Holding the government hostage

Later, Liberman referred to the words of MK Gafni today in the finance committee: "When Gafni talks about bringing forward the elections, it should be considered as another attempt to extort money from the Prime Minister. Our HQ is working on it. We are talking to whoever is needed - and I will not expand on the matter."


At the beginning of his speech, Liberman referred to the victory of the far-left party in the French elections: "A significant step up in hatred of Israel and antisemitism. The leader of the party became famous with many statements against Jews and the State of Israel. This is simply pure antisemitism. Calling the Jews of France to leave and move to the State of Israel, there is no time."

In response to Maariv's question whether the opposition would commit not to try to dissolve the Knesset in exchange for canceling the summer break, he replied: "Our children lost a year of school and still don't know where they will start the coming year. The heads of the councils don't know if the schools will open or not. Going on break now seems to me cynical and wrong."
