The Jerusalem Post

MK Mickey Levy slams Smotrich and Englman over budget delay and war report

 Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy. (photo credit: KNESSET SPOKESPERSON'S OFFICE)
Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy.

MK Mickey Levy condemns Finance Minister Smotrich for missing the budget deadline and State Comptroller Englman for delaying the war report, urging immediate action and accountability.

Yesh Atid party member Mickey Levy strongly criticized Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for failing to meet the legal deadline for submitting the 2025 budget, in a Thursday interview with Maariv.

According to levy, the budget was due by August 18, and the delay constitutes a breach of the law. Levy, who is also the chair of the State Control Committee and a former Deputy Finance Minister, accused Smotrich of hastily presenting a budget only after realizing the negative implications from credit rating agencies.

"There’s no doubt the credit agencies would have downgraded Israel without a budget, which would be disastrous. The finance minister is endangering Israel’s economic future and that of our grandchildren. This is a ‘God willing’ budget—great, but not enough. If Smotrich doesn’t listen to the Treasury professionals, the crisis will worsen,” Levy warned.

Where is my report?

In addition to his criticism of the Finance Minister, levy took aim at State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman for his delay in preparing a preliminary audit report on the recent war and government failures. Levy stated that he had requested an interim report twice, but Englman has been slow to act.


He argued that the urgency of the situation requires a 20-25 page short report to allow the committee to propose the formation of a state inquiry commission.

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman at the license distribution ceremony of the Council of Accountants, July 2, 2024  (credit: Via Maariv)
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman at the license distribution ceremony of the Council of Accountants, July 2, 2024 (credit: Via Maariv)

"There’s a chance he’s avoiding it because he’s afraid of [Netanyahu]. If he doesn’t prepare an interim report, he’s failing in his duty. I demand that he fulfill his professional obligation and submit a concise report based on the materials he has received. He has countless testimonies from affected citizens," Levy emphasized.

Levy further said, "I tried to get explanations from him, and he claimed to be overwhelmed. I’ve already sent him four letters and visited his office twice. The last time, I slammed the door in frustration, but I’m not giving up." 
