The Jerusalem Post

Interpreting recent events: The prophetic connection

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(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

The Torah passages and Israel's holidays are full of important messages that are relevant and empower our day-today lives. Rabbi Shai Tahan, head of the Sha'arei Ezra community and head of the Arzi HaLebanon teaching house, opens the gates for us to understand these messages, from their source, in a clear way. This week -Interpreting Recent Events: The Prophetic Connection

There are a few passages in the Torah and other sources that deal with prophecies regarding the time of Mashiach's arrival. Never before in history have these prophecies appeared so relevant to current events. These sources are truly fascinating, and when you read them, it feels as if you are perusing today's news.

I would like to explore some of these prophecies to illustrate this point. The first prophecy of the Geulah (redemption) is mentioned in the words of the prophet Bilaam. Bilaam speaks in Hashem's name three times, and in his final prophecy, he describes what will happen before Mashiach arrives.

Bilaam Prophecy:


To understand Bilaam's divine words, we must identify the key players he mentions. Here are the nations mentioned in his prophecy: Kayin represents Ishmael- the Muslims (Rabenu Bechayey, Bamidbar 24, 23), Kitim refers to the descendants of the Roman Empire (Ramban 24,22), who represent the Christians, and Ever signifies the Jewish people. Now, let's delve into the meanings of these verses: Bilaam starts, "אראנו ולא עתה," which means "I see him, but not now", The Ramban and Rabenu Bechayey explain that this is a prophecy regarding the arrival of the Mashiach which will take place in the distance future.

The passage continues with the line "דרך כוכב מיעקב," signifying the Mashiach, who will unify all Jewish people in the Land of Israel (according to Ramban). Additionally, "וקרקר כל בני שת" alludes to the Mashiach's dominion over the entire world, as interpreted by Unkelus.

Recognizing that this is a prophecy about the end of days, let's now delve into the events that are anticipated to unfold.

The following verse addresses Kayin, who represents Ishmael, with the phrase "איתן מושבך," signifying "strong is your dwelling." Rashi, Ramban, and Sforno elucidate that, during this period, Ishmael will coexist in the Land of Israel alongside the Jewish people.

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 It is in this context that Bilaam exclaims, "אוי מי יחיה משמו אל" - Bilaam wept when he foresaw how Ishmael would cause great destruction while burning things, possibly meaning burning people alive. He questioned who would be able to survive such harsh and cruel events. (Rabenu Bechayey)

Consistent with this interpretation, Chazal (סנהדרין צח,ב) expressed their longing for the arrival of the Mashiach while also acknowledging their hesitancy to live in that generation due to the extraordinary suffering it would bring.


The passage continues וצים מיד כיתים, and Rashi explains that the word "צים" means a massive ship ספינה גדולה-כדכתיב וציר אדיר which come to the battle on the shore of the land of Israel.

This ship most probably is the Aircraft carriers which is the largest warship in the world, with a length of 333 meters, a width of 78 meters, and a height of 76 meters, of which 40 are submerged in the water.

The USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier, is accompanied by a missile cruiser and four missile destroyers. This fleet, along with the aircraft carrier, represents the United States' immense naval power. 

The carrier's impressive size enables it to accommodate a versatile aircraft fleet of up to 90 units, encompassing fifth-generation F-35s, F/A-18 Super Hornets, E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes, EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, MH-60R/S helicopters, and a variety of UAVs. To effectively execute all operations on board the carrier, it requires a dedicated crew of over 4,500 personnel. Additionally, this carrier is powered by two nuclear reactors and features four shafts for propulsion.Aircraft carriers continue to be the centerpiece of the forces necessary for operating forward. In times of crisis, the first question leaders ask is: "Where are the carriers?"

Thus often the presence of an aircraft carrier has deterred potential adversaries from striking against U.S. interests. 

The verse states that the ship will come, "מיד כיתים." As we've mentioned before, "Kitim" is associated with the Christian force, resembling the contemporary empire, which is reminiscent of America in our era. Targum Yonatan Ben Uziel proposes that this formidable ship will embark from Italy. But the question arises: why would an American ship set sail from Italy?

It's remarkably intriguing that the carrier made a scheduled port visit to Trieste, Italy just a month ago. It almost seems divinely orchestrated to fulfill Bilaam's prophecy.

Unveiling Gemara's Prophetic Insights: The Future of Rome, Edom, and Ishmael:

It is noteworthy that among all the nations in the world, the Gemara highlights two rival forces that will emerge as dominant empires in the end of days: America (which are Rome, as previously explained),  and its allies, and Persia (Iran) and its allies.

Let's explore how the Gemara understands the events of the end of days. Within the Gemara (יומא י,א), two differing opinions emerge regarding the ultimate fate of the Romans. Some suggest that in the end of days, the Romans will fall under the control of the Iranians (Persians), while others argue the opposite. The Gemara ultimately concludes that it will be the Iranians who will succumb to the Romans, leading to Roman dominion over the world for a period of 9 months.

Tosafot (עבודה זרה ג,א) provide further insight, explaining that the Persians will maintain their own empire until just before the appearance of the Mashiach. At that point, Rome will conquer them.

The Zohar Prophecy: 

The following holy words from the Zohar (סוף פרשת וארא דף לב,א) vividly depict the events unfolding in our time: "And in the future, the descendants of Ishmael will incite great wars in the world. The descendants of Edom will gather against them, and they will wage three battles: one at sea, one on land, and one near Jerusalem. They will rule over each other, but the Holy Land will not be handed over to the descendants of Edom.

At that time, a great nation will arise from the ends of the world against Rome. They will engage in battle for three months, and many nations will gather with them. They will defeat them until all the descendants of Edom from all corners of the world are assembled against them. Then Hashem will rise against them, as it is written, 'For He has a sacrifice in Bozrah.' Afterward, He will seize the wings of the earth and eliminate the descendants of Ishmael from the land."

Gog U’Magog. The final war:

Finally, let's explore how Yechezkl's(פרק לח)  famous prophecy of Gog and Magog unfolds.

The Malbim explains that Gog and Magog represent two global coalitions that will emerge in the end of days. One coalition comprises the descendants of Ishmael, while the other is the Rome coalition. Both will eventually find themselves in conflict on the shores of the Land of Israel.

According to the Malbim's interpretation, the verse (פסוק ה) suggests that the leader of one coalition would be Iran, guiding the Ishmael's coalition, with other nations joining them. The Malbim refers to them as the "מהול," circumcised like the Muslims, while the other coalition comprises those who are not "מהולים," uncircumcised, akin to the Christians.

The verses continue (פסוק ז’ במלבים) to suggest that when the Muslims instigate a major terrorist attack, Edom (referring to America) will intervene to aid and subdue the Arabs. However, the situation will escalate as the Arabs turn against Edom in retaliation. Ultimately, Hashem's intervention will be provoked. This will result in a cataclysmic event, described as reaching far and affecting even the birds and the fish, possibly signifying an unconventional and highly destructive form of warfare.

A Beacon of Hope, Israel's Unshaken Destiny:

The Yalkut Shimoni (ישעיהו רמז תצט) reveals the fate of the nation of Israel during a time when all other empires are embroiled in a global conflict:

Rabbi Yitzhak said, "In the year when the King Messiah reveals himself, all the kings of the world are in conflict with one another. The king of Persia (Iran) provokes the king of Arabia, and the king of Arabia goes to Edom (Rome) for advice. The king of Persia returns and destroys the entire world. All the nations of the world are in turmoil and distress. Israel is in turmoil and distress and asks, 'Where shall we go? Where shall we go?' And He says to them, 'My children, do not fear. All that I have done, I have done only for your sake. Why are you afraid? The time for your redemption has come. And there is no need to fear. In that time, Hashem will reveal the light of the Messiah and the light of Israel, as it is said, 'Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of God has shone upon you' (Isaiah 60:1).

"And the rest of the world will be in darkness, and they will go to the light of the Messiah and Israel, as it is said, 'And nations will go by your light' (Isaiah 60:3). And they will fall on their faces before the Messiah and Israel, and they will say to them, 'We will be slaves to you. Each one of you will have two thousand eight hundred slaves,' as it is said, 'And it shall come to pass that when the Lord shall have mercy on you, He will say, "Set up road markers for yourself" (Zechariah 8:23).

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel
