Thousands at Rabbi Pinto's Candle-lighting Ceremony in Boro Park
Thousands of people participated in the last day of Chanukah candle-lighting by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, the leader of the worldwide Shuva Yisrael movement.
The event took place as usual every year, in the Boro Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, with the participation of rabbis, chassidic rebbes, guests and a large crowd.
In the huge Beit Esther hall, Rabbi Pinto spoke words of encouragement and inspiration, and distributed a coin to thousands for protection and blessing.
Rabbi Pinto was welcomed by the rabbi of the Birkat Menachem congregation, Rabbi Yehoshua Nosson Pfeiffer. A special Hasidic choir played Chanukah songs together with singers and a child musical prodigy.
Rabbi Pinto’s sons, Rabbi Yoel Pinto, the eldest son and successor of his father, and Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Pinto, his youngest son, sat at his side during the lighting.
"We are in a time of physical and spiritual war," said Rabbi Pinto, "and just as in the time of the Greeks there was a war on the spirit - today there is also a war on the spirit. Foreign forces want to bring Greek culture into our home today, and the more we restrain those forces the more we will see miracles and salvation."
The event was produced and managed by Hasidic businessman Yaakov Flitshkin. The hall was secured by security guards of the Boro Park-based Shmirah company under the management of Rabbi Levi Leifer.
Earlier, during the Chanukah holidays, Rabbi Pinto stayed at his residence in Morocco, where he also held Chanukah candle-lighting ceremonies with the participation of many of his students.
This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel