The Jerusalem Post

Rabbi Pinto: “Jealousy Is the Root of Lack of Faith”

  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

In his weekly lecture, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, leader of the “Shuva Israel” community, shared a profound message about the dangers of jealousy and its impact on one’s life. According to Rabbi Pinto, jealousy not only damages interpersonal relationships but also reflects a fundamental lack of genuine faith in God.

“When a person feels jealous of someone,” said Rabbi Pinto, “it is already a sign of a lack of faith. If you had faith, you wouldn’t be jealous. Why are you jealous? Because you think they took something from you or that you don’t have enough. The moment you think someone else has taken what’s yours or that you’re lacking, that’s a lack of faith.”

Rabbi Pinto addressed the inner turmoil many people experience when they feel slighted—whether in matters of respect, wealth, or status. He explained that these emotions often lead to internal struggles that can destabilize a person’s entire world. “People are driven by various internal battles… and then they develop feelings that can ultimately destroy their entire inner world,” he elaborated.

The rabbi emphasized that the solution lies in acting with true faith and trust in God. “The moment you leave it in God’s hands and act with genuine faith, you free yourself from the pain. Real faith isn’t just spoken; it’s about letting go of ego and self-centered thoughts,” he explained.


Rabbi Pinto further noted that the root of jealousy lies in selfishness and the inability to release one’s ego. “When you start injecting your ego, your self-interest, and your own thoughts into a situation, you begin to lose the true connection—the most genuine connection—with God,” he concluded.

This message serves as a reminder of the importance of living a life grounded in faith and trust in God while setting aside negative emotions like jealousy and selfishness. Rabbi Pinto’s words resonate universally, offering a thoughtful approach to navigating life’s challenges and strengthening one’s spiritual connection.

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel
