The Jerusalem Post

Eduard Shyfrin speaks at Jewish studies conference in Jerusalem

 Eduard Shyfrin, PhD, and Professor Moshe Idel, president of the World Union of Jewish Studies (photo credit: Courtesy)
Eduard Shyfrin, PhD, and Professor Moshe Idel, president of the World Union of Jewish Studies
(photo credit: Courtesy)

Shyfrin spoke via Zoom on “Kabbalah of Information: Absence of Information is Information". He explained how Kabbalistic ideas can be explained using the support of information theory and physics.

Eduard Shyfrin, Ph.D., author of “From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics,” addressed attendees at the eighteenth World Union of Jewish Studies Conference in Jerusalem on Monday. Shyfrin spoke via Zoom on “Kabbalah of Information: Absence of Information is Information.” Shyfrin, who is also a sponsor of the Conference, explained how Kabbalistic ideas can be explained using the support of information theory and quantum physics and how the riddles of modern science can be resolved with the help of Kabbalah.  

President of Israel Isaac Herzog, Prof. Menachem Ben-Sasson, Governor of the Hebrew University, Prof. Moshe Idel, President of the World Union of Jewish Studies, Prof. Elizabeth Hollander, President of the EAJS (European Association for Jewish Studies) and Prof. Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman, representative of the AJS, attended the opening ceremony of the Conference at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus.

Prof. Moshe Idel, president of the World Association of Jewish Studies, will present a lecture on the Kabbalistic teaching of Rabbi Moses Cordevero on Wednesday evening. Idel, the winner of the Israel Prize and the EMET Prize, has written fifty books on Jewish mysticism.

President of Israel Isaac Herzog speaking at opening of World Union of Jewish Studies Congress (Credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)
President of Israel Isaac Herzog speaking at opening of World Union of Jewish Studies Congress (Credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)

Dr. Sara Yanovsky, director of the World Union of Jewish Studies, said that thousands of researchers from Israel and abroad will be meeting face-to-face after a long period in which lectures and meetings were presented remotely. They will present topics in diverse fields of Jewish studies, including Bible, history, philosophy, the arts and the innovative use of technology in research in the field.


The Congress, which is being held at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem between August 8-11,is the world’s largest academic conference in the field. It is open to the general public and will deal with a variety of topics, including the history of the Jewish people in various times, archeology, art, cinema, languages, psychology, demography, gender, education, and Jewish and Israeli culture and society. 

Dr. Sara Yanovsky, director of the World Union of Jewish Studies (Credit: INGRID MULLER)
Dr. Sara Yanovsky, director of the World Union of Jewish Studies (Credit: INGRID MULLER)

To purchase Eduard Shyfrin’s book ‘From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics’ please click here.

To purchase Eduard Shyfrin’s book ‘Travels with Sushi in the Land of the Mind’ please click here.
