David D’Or will perform in a special Selichot Night concert at the foot of the Solomon’s Pillars at Park Timna in the Arava on September 26.

The concert is being held for the third year running and will include the blowing of the shofar by Rabbi Levi Hecht.

D’Or and his band, accompanied by paytanim (cantors) Roy Cohen and Yehuda Yifrach, will perform both traditional and contemporary melodies, including well-loved songs like “A Voice from Heaven,” “Avinu Malkeinu,” “Answer Us,” “Adon HaSelichot,” and  “I Heard Your Voice.” Shortly after midnight, the Selichot prayer, led by Hecht from Eilat, will begin, accompanied by the sounds of the shofar.

The show is sponsored by the Eilot Regional Council and Southern Arava Tourism Tickets can be purchased on Timna Park’s website. Seating is limited. https://www.parktimna.co.il/he/tickets/37/