The Jerusalem Post

African National Congress takes Israel to ICJ in The Hague - opinion

 SUPPORTERS OF South Africa’s ruling African National Congress and other political parties, as well as civil society groups, protest outside the Israel Embassy in Pretoria, in October, after the outbreak of the Gaza war. (photo credit: SIPHIWE SIBEKO/REUTERS)
SUPPORTERS OF South Africa’s ruling African National Congress and other political parties, as well as civil society groups, protest outside the Israel Embassy in Pretoria, in October, after the outbreak of the Gaza war.

The ANC’s tenure has been catastrophic and has caused irreparable damage to our economy and international standing. 

I relocated from Johannesburg to the Western Cape, the only working province in the country controlled by the Democratic Alliance, where everyone from the rest of South Africa wants to move – as it works! Street lights, cleanliness, beaches, and policing – but nevertheless, we are all under the ANC (African National Congress).

I personally have lost clients because I don’t qualify for BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) status, as many companies are restricted from doing business with non-registered BEE firms.

I own a public relations company and am a published author. I have no affiliation to a political party and wrote this as I felt strongly about the latest move by the South African government – taking Israel to the International Court of Justice – which, in my opinion, is quite ridiculous. 

The question has to be asked: why is a third-world country and a failed state under the ANC, which, in 30 years, has succeeded in destroying the South African economy, involved with a foreign country, Israel, which has nothing to do with it?


Why is South Africa getting involved with Israel?

For this purpose, South Africa, which is a chief proponent of BEE, selected a largely white and Indian legal team at a cost of ZAR 50 million, funds that should have been allocated to repairing all state-owned enterprises that have failed under their leadership. 

 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (not pictured) attend a media briefing and signing ceremony at Tuynhuys to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries in Cape Town, South Africa, May 16, 2023 (credit: REUTERS)
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (not pictured) attend a media briefing and signing ceremony at Tuynhuys to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries in Cape Town, South Africa, May 16, 2023 (credit: REUTERS)

In particular, the ports at Durban and Cape Town, which cannot handle incoming cargo ships since the cranes have not been maintained, resulting in 70 ships waiting outside Durban to offload their cargo, are in dire need of attention. Ships that may be diverted from the Red Sea would be a lucrative source of income but this government is more interested in its own agenda than in good business. Roads, rail transport, hospitals, schools, and any state-owned enterprise are riddled with corruption and mostly non-functioning.

South Africa is rated as one of the most dangerous countries in the world, with at least 70 murders and 73 rapes a day. House break-ins are an ongoing concern, as is walking along any street in broad daylight where one could be killed for a cell phone.

Living in this country is a particular concern for women since femicide is extremely common and often goes unreported. According to Dawie Roodt, CEO of the Efficient Group, “the state is the largest debtor of the SA economy, with collapsed local authorities and predictions for the rand to depreciate even more over the next two years.” South Africa has lost the moral high ground of being the most sophisticated leader in Africa.. 

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SOUTH AFRICA is also befriending the wrong people, such as China and Iran. They have always been friendly with Russia and Cuba, and Gaddafi and other terrorist leaders were guests of the ANC. Many of the black ANC comrades were trained in Russia and Cuba.

This is not a positive move as far as investors are concerned, as ZAR 135 billion has left the local stock exchange for other markets. Accusing Israel of genocide, as it is doing, is without foundation or merit. Further, it is antagonizing a substantial section of international Jewish investors, which is not a smart move. 


South Africa effectively has no infrastructure, with hospitals, roads, ports, and railroads in chaos. It is quite absurd that the so-called Rainbow Nation should legitimize Hamas which started the war with its October 7 attack on southern Israel. It is merely a cheap shot at gaining more votes for its failed policies.

South Africa is suffering an energy crisis, which led to the worst power blackouts the country had ever seen in 2023, with as many as six hours a day without power at a daily cost of ZAR 850 m. In addition, there is often no water due to corruption and a lack of maintenance of power equipment. This applies to all state-owned enterprises, SAA, trains, Transnet, ports, the Post Office, and Telkom.

Experienced white engineers were replaced by untrained black people on exorbitant salaries who have found ways to corrupt their organizations and enrich themselves.

We are effectively bankrupt with our own problems. Seventy-three uncontrolled borders have allowed Nigerians, Somalians, and Zimbabweans into the country, who mostly control drug rings, sex trafficking, and money-laundering syndicates. Bribery and corruption mean they can access passports, ID cards, healthcare, and so on.

Informal traders do not pay tax so another ZAR 750 million is lost. The FBI has identified South Africa as one of the main countries operating scam syndicates on Americans.

This is an election year and the ANC is losing ground. They have not provided jobs or housing for the electorate that voted them into power. Unemployment is up to 43% – and probably higher – leading to more crime and hopelessness. Education is in a mess and we are short of schools and teachers, while inflation has led to the extraordinarily high cost of living. 

The action that South Africa is taking against Israel in the ICJ is purely political – a bid to gain more votes among Palestinians and “coloureds” living here. We have no business with Israel and in fact, the President wanted to close the Israeli Embassy. There have been riots at shops stocking Israeli products.

Above are some of my own insights into the situation, as I felt moved to tell Israelis the true situation on the ground in South Africa in 2024.

In short, the ANC’s tenure has been catastrophic and has caused irreparable damage to our economy and international standing. 

The writer is CEO of Wordzmiths.
