The Jerusalem Post

Americans must demand release of fellow citizens from Hamas - opinion

 People walk by photographs of civilians held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, posted in Tel Aviv. December 21, 2023. (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
People walk by photographs of civilians held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, posted in Tel Aviv. December 21, 2023.
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)

For the past 100 days, innocent men, women, and children have been subjected to the horrors of captivity at the hands of Hamas, a group known for its brutality and disregard for human rights. 

Sunday we entered 100 Days of American citizens being held hostage by Hamas with little to no outcry or demand for their release by our government which is truly shocking. As a nation, we have seen the lengths to which our government is willing to go to secure the release of detainees, such as the $6 billion ransom paid to Iran in August for the release of five jailed Americans. It is incomprehensible that innocent civilians held by barbaric terrorists, including elderly men, women, and children, are not being given the same urgency and attention by the US government to bring them home.

For the past 100 days, innocent men, women, and children have been subjected to the horrors of captivity at the hands of Hamas, a group known for its brutality and disregard for human rights. 

Israelis aren't the only hostages

It is important to highlight the fact that these are not just any hostages - they are American citizens, individuals who have the right to protection and support from their government. The United States has a long history of taking decisive action to secure the release of its citizens held captive abroad. In the case of these American hostages, it is unacceptable that the government has not demonstrated the same level of commitment to bringing them home.

Furthermore, the lack of pressure that the US should be demanding of humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross to provide assistance and support to the hostages cannot be overlooked. The Red Cross, funded in part by American taxpayers, must provide aid to individuals in need, regardless of their nationality or the circumstances of their captivity. The fact that they have failed to visit the hostages and provide essential medical treatment which is going unspoken about is deeply concerning and raises questions both on our government’s commitment to bring them home and the Red Cross’s accountability to their humanitarian mission.


The lack of attention and urgency surrounding the plight of the American hostages is truly baffling. One would expect that the highest levels of the American government, as well as prominent humanitarian organizations, would be leading the charge to secure their release. Instead, there has been a worrying silence and a lack of action that is inexplicable in the face of such a grave injustice.

 Israelis protest against the Red Cross  at  Hostage Square in Tel Aviv. December 14, 2023. (credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
Israelis protest against the Red Cross at Hostage Square in Tel Aviv. December 14, 2023. (credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)

As concerned citizens, we cannot remain silent in the face of this injustice. We must demand that the American government and humanitarian organizations take immediate and decisive action to secure the release of the hostages. It is our duty to raise awareness of their plight and to use our voices to advocate for their rights and their freedom.

We need to speak up

We must also hold the Red Cross accountable for their failure to visit or provide essential aid to the hostages. This organization, which is meant to be a beacon of hope and support for individuals in need, has let these American citizens down in their time of dire need. We as US Citizens must unite and demand transparency and accountability from our Government to hold the Red Cross accountable and ensure that they fulfill their obligations to assist all individuals in need, regardless of their nationality.

As of Today, two elderly American citizens lost their lives in Hamas captivity and it’s 100 days that no aid or medical assistance was sent to the remaining American hostages. 

We cannot turn a blind eye to our brethren American Citizens, these innocent men, women, and children. It is imperative that we raise our voices, demand action from our government, and hold humanitarian organizations accountable for their inaction. The time to act is now, and we must stand together in solidarity to bring these American hostages home.


Let us unite and speak up together.

Duvi Honig is the Founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce.
