Jewish critics of Christian allies are hurting Israel - opinion
After October 7, while liberal 'friends' abandoned Israel, Evangelical Christians stood firm. Critics of these partnerships need to face reality: We can't defend Israel's interests alone.
For 13 years, I’ve been attacked by fellow Jews for building friendships with Christian Evangelicals. The critics sneer, assuming I’ve been snookered by “nefarious” Christians who, according to the tired old myths, “only support Israel because they believe getting Jews to return will trigger the apocalypse and the second coming.”
They whisper that I’m either a naive fool or a secret missionary. And now that we’ve launched Israel365 Action, our slate in the upcoming World Zionist Congress (WZC), the smears have only intensified.
Let me be crystal clear: As an Orthodox oleh (new immigrant), my life’s work is defending and strengthening the Jewish people and our homeland. We partner exclusively with Christians who explicitly reject proselytizing Jews, and we fight against missionaries who target vulnerable members of our community.
Our critics can attack us all they want, but they can’t deny our results. When Israel365 launched Keep God’s Land to fight the two-state solution, they sneered – even as we successfully led the National Religious Broadcasters, representing 1,000 media outlets, to stop using the misleading term “West Bank” and start using the historical terms “Judea and Samaria.”
They attacked us while we hosted events in Congress and helped establish the Judea and Samaria Caucus.
Here’s the truth our critics don’t want to face: If you’re serious about supporting Judea and Samaria – if you want to do more than just talk and complain – the only path forward is building alliances with Christians. We Jews are a small people. We simply don’t have the numbers or political clout to effectively fight back against the antisemites and terrorists who are trying to steal our biblical heartland.
To win this battle, we need friends. Our Keep God’s Land movement is proving exactly how powerful these alliances can be. This grassroots movement of Jews and Christians is dedicated to strengthening and defending Israel, with the ultimate goal of achieving Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. And we’re seeing real results – from the halls of Congress to the hills of Samaria.
Looking at recent history
The success of these partnerships shouldn’t surprise anyone. Just look at recent history: Why did the US Embassy move to Jerusalem? Why has American support for Israel remained strong despite international pressure? Because of the unwavering support of the Christian Evangelical community.
They are the backbone of pro-Israel advocacy in America, and their influence extends from local media to the highest levels of government. Where were our supposed liberal “friends” after October 7? They abandoned us, turning on the Jewish people when we needed them most.
Look at the facts: The Judea and Samaria caucus is led by Christian congresswoman Claudia Tenney, while Tom Cotton is introducing bills supporting the region in the Senate. We are working with these passionate Christian leaders who are fighting for Israel while our critics wring their hands about “inappropriate alliances.”
Let me address the latest smears directly: Israel365 Action follows every rule of the WZC elections scrupulously. Any claims to the contrary are slanderous and reflect more on the accusers than on us. But we will never apologize for our work building crucial alliances with the Christian community.
Our critics can keep attacking while we keep changing reality on the ground. While they fret about hypothetical dangers, we’re planting thousands of trees in Judea and Samaria, areas abandoned by Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF). While they theorize about potential threats, we’re building influential support to prevent a Palestinian terror state in the heart of our homeland.
Do I enjoy getting attacked? Of course not. But know this – it won’t stop me or Israel365 Action. The attackers can keep attacking – and we’ll keep building a stronger Israel, proudly working with anyone who stands with the Jewish people and our right to the entire Land of Israel.
The time for timid leadership is over. The failures of October 7 proved that conclusively. When we win seats in the WZC, we will redirect resources to strengthen Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, launch programs to expand our faith-based alliances, and build a secure Israel where Jews can walk freely without fear of terrorism.
I was recently honored at the Knesset for Israel365’s work in rallying Christian support for Israel since October 7. This recognition wasn’t just for me – it was an acknowledgment of the power and importance of these strategic alliances we’ve built. While our critics self-righteously attack our motives, we’re building international coalitions, influencing policy, and creating lasting change on the ground.
We’ve built incredible friendships with influential leaders in Washington and around the world, and these relationships are bearing fruit. From the National Religious Broadcasters to Congress to the Senate, we’re seeing a shift in how people talk about and understand Judea and Samaria. This isn’t happening by accident – it’s the result of years of dedicated bridge-building and advocacy.
Israel365 Action represents a new path forward: proud, unapologetic Zionism that builds powerful alliances to secure Israel’s future. Our critics can either join us in this vital work or get out of the way.
The writer is the founder of Israel365 and its slate in the upcoming World Zionist Congress, Israel365 Action.