The Jerusalem Post

Top 5 espresso machines under $500 for 2017

espresso machines under 500 (photo credit: PR)
espresso machines under 500
(photo credit: PR)

Trying to find the best espresso machine to fit into a budget and lifestyle can be a challenge. What features are needed and what is too much? Here is a list of the top 5 espresso machines under $500

A $500 budget range is for an espresso machine is just the right spot between "not enough" and "too much." At this price point, the entry-level espresso machines are undesirable. An upgraded experience is sought out for the perfect beverage quality. Sure, higher-priced models are around, but are all of the features really necessary to make a great espresso? The best espresso machines are powerhouses that can whip up any espresso drink possible, without unnecessary bells and whistles. The top 5 espresso machines under $500 have the right amount of control and finesse to achieve the ideal beverage.  

1. Breville ESP8XL Cafe Roma Stainless Espresso Maker

In this machine, the Thermoblock heating system brings out the essence of the espresso at just the right temperature. This espresso maker is equipped with 15 sealed bars of pressure to maximize the crema for a rich aroma and taste. This machine is an effortless way to achieve the desired frothing and foaming in an espresso. This long-lasting machine comes with single, double or pods espresso shots, as well as a stainless steel frothing pitcher, a tamping tool and a measuring spoon.
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2. Breville BES840XL the Infuser Espresso Machine

This machine draws flavor evenly from all of the coffee grinds. This machine starts with steady, low pressure to expand the coffee grinds, rather than bursts of high pressure. This helps optimize flavor because even pressure is applied to all of the coffee. With both automatic and programmable features, including a cup warmer, a sleep mode and notifications for cleaning, this user-friendly machine is durable enough to last yet simple enough for home use.
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3. Gaggia 14101 Classic Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel

The Gaggia Classic is a best seller for many reasons. With its commercial-grade quality and rugged construction, it is designed for longevity. Its high performance turns the everyday user into a barista with its single- and double-shot baskets and metal frothing wand. This machine combines a classic design with advanced technology.
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4. De'Longhi EC680 Dedica 15-Bar Pump Espresso Machine

This Dedica Espresso Maker takes up a compact 6 inches of counter space to make the perfect espresso at home. Featuring thermo block technology, the machine quickly heats up to be ready in half a minute. Barista-quality foam is created by the Cappuccino frother for the perfect beverage.
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5. Breville 800ESXL 15-Bar Triple-Priming Die-Cast Espresso Machine

This machine is attractively designed, and it functions very well. Some of its best features are its thermo block heating system, 15 bar pump and a double-wall crema system for the perfect froth. Not only a machine for daily use, this espresso machine adds style to any kitchen countertop. This is one of the best espresso machines under $500.
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It is important not to get sucked into an espresso machine that comes at a high cost without reviewing any consumer responses or available features. Quality does not always come with price, and a lasting product is often the more simple product that isn't inundated with features that can malfunction. These five best espresso machines under $500 are perfect for an at-home barista who is looking to make a delicious morning cup of joe. 
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