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Arye Deri

Rabbi Arye Deri is a longtime Israeli lawmaker and is the head of the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas Party.

Having served in the past in multiple ministerial roles such as interior minister, health minister, deputy prime minister, economy minister, and religious services minister, Deri's career has also been hounded by numerous accusations of corruption.

He has been convicted on multiple charges throughout his tenure in politics, and most recently was stripped of his posts as health minister and interior minister following a ruling by the High Court of Justice due to these positions being a violation of a plea bargain he had made.

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 High Court hears petitions on against the incapacitation law on August 3, 2023.

Will the High Court of Justice reject the incapacitation law? - poll

 MK ARYE DERI is in a bind, says the writer. On the one hand he has the opportunity to appoint his brother as chief rabbi, but that would put him at odds with the Yosef family, his political patrons.

Israel's chief rabbi elections tainted by personal interests - opinion

 Head of the Shas party Aryeh Deri, leads a faction meeting, at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on February 6, 2023.

Court leans toward applying Tiberias law next election, Yosef should withdraw

 Newly appointed Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara seen during a welcome ceremony for her in Jerusalem on February 8, 2022.

Knesset abused power to help Netanyahu, A-G charges in High Court letter

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen speaking at a memorial ceremony for Ze'ev Jabotinsky on Mount Herzl, in Jerusalem, on July 18, 2023.

Netanyahu’s opponents have not derailed his plans

 Coke bottles.

WHO says aspartame can cause cancer, Israel issues no warnings

 Shas leader MK Aryeh Deri seen during a Shas party meeting, at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on January 23, 2023.

Tiberias mayor law is personal, changes rules of election game -NGOs

 Shas leader MK Arye Deri is seen at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on February 6, 2023.

Two bills designed specifically for Deri set to become law

 Premier candidates: Benny Gantz, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yair Lapid.

Israeli election poll: Blue and White party leads as coalition struggles to gain majority


Letters to the Editor May 8, 2023: Even older

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Shas chairman Aryeh Deri.

Draft and Deri laws create growing rift between Netanyahu, haredim

 Health and Interior Minister Arye Deri at the handover ceremony for the Interior Ministry, January 1, 2023.

Investigate Deri's daughter for odd deposits in bank account - NGO to A-G

Shas leader MK Arye Deri is seen at the Knesset, on July 26, 2021.

Arye Deri pitches 50% off graves to impoverished Holocaust survivors

By TZVI JOFFRE , Yaki Adamkar/Walla
SHAS MK Moshe Arbel: We don’t need to agree to everything, but we should disagree without hatred.

Shas MK Moshe Arbel to replace Deri as Israel's health, interior minister

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu sits alongside sacked cabinet minister Arye Deri in the Knesset, on Monday. In Israel, the coalition controls the legislature and executive, thus the need to keep its hands off judicial appointments, says the writer.

Judicial laws can pass 'whenever we want,' Deri says