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haredi population in israel

 HAREDIM PROTEST at the city’s Bar Ilan intersection, following the arrest of a haredi draft-dodger. The Peleg faction frequently spearheads such protests; Illustrative.

Police beat Haredi demonstrators with batons in Beit Shemesh

 HAREDI STUDENTS learn in a yeshiva.

Major haredi systems to face organizational overhaul after financial trouble

 A Hasidic man walks by a police car in a Jewish Orthodox neighborhood in Brooklyn, April 24, 2017.

NJ man sentenced to 40 years in prison for 2022 spree of violent antisemitic attacks

By Jackie Hajdenberg/JTA
 HAREDI YESHIVA students: These 135,000 boys, and then men, and then senior citizens, who will also not pay health tax, will place a heavy burden on the health care system in around 60 years’ time.

Opposition blasts state attempt to assist major haredi school system in financial trouble

 DESPITE THE IDF’s calculation that it needs 7,000 new troops, Monday’s vote to revive an older haredi draft bill was approved by the majority of the Knesset members.

Is the NIS 70 m plan for haredi employment going to work without a draft law?

 Rivlin meets with Haredi soldiers

Numbers aside, haredi conscription is about the fabric of Israeli society

  Prof. Yuval Shany, the Hersch Lauterpacht Chair of Public International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The US is mulling over sanctions against Ultra-Orthodox army unit, says expert

By Nathan Klabin/The Media Line
INCREASED INTEGRATION of Haredim into the workforce has resulted in a record-low poverty rate in the Haredi sector.

Solving the haredi employment problem in Israel

Ultra-Orthodox men wearing masks walk around the neighborhood of Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, April 12, 2020

Ben-Gurion University Senate rejects proposal for gender separate ultra-Orthodox campus

By Peled Arbeli
 View of the main street in the Ultra orthodox town of Bnei Brak, on August 17, 2023.

Survey of haredi society shows a community inching toward the norm

 Israeli soldiers and Ultra Orthodox Jews pray at a staging area near the Israeli-Gaza border, southern Israel, November 28, 2023.

Majority of Israeli haredim oppose draft despite the war

By Brooke Sarah Borden
Haredi volunteers have shown up in their own way to be part of the war efforts against the Hamas terror organization

Thousands of haredi volunteers rally to aid Israel amidst conflict with Hamas

 Thousands of haredi students are studying core curriculum subjects online.

Gov't to transfer hundreds of millions in funds for haredi education

The Central Bureau of Statistics reports an all-time high in employment among haredi men. These statistics should be cause for celebration, yet reactions remain polarized, says the writer. September 2023

Haredi integration should be encouraged, not questioned

 RESERVE SOLDIERS, veterans, and activists protest against the intention of some reservists to refuse to serve, as part of the protest against the planned judicial overhaul, in Tel Aviv earlier this year.

Gallant: Service in IDF must remain a supreme value

 Seats in a theater.

Women required to sit in back of theater at 'family friendly' Israeli play

Muslala is a nonprofit organization established in 2009 by artists, residents, and community activists of the Muslala neighborhood in Jerusalem. Muslala and the Jerusalem International Fellows (pictured) have both benefited from the Innovation Fund’s helping hand.

Jerusalem Foundation to invest in haredi women, Arabs, LGBTQ youth in 2023

 Roi Barzilai, Deputy Mayor of Ramat Gan, Carmel Shama-HaCohen, Mayor of Ramat Gan attend the dedication ceremony of the first home for haredi lone soldiers in the Tel Aviv metro area on February 15, 2023.

First in Gush Dan: Home for haredi lone soldiers opens in Ramat Gan