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iraqi jews

 SHAFIQ ADES poses with his wife, Aliza, and some of their six children.

The execution that marked the end of Iraqi Jewry - opinion

 Iraqis in Pajamas

Mahsa Amini's murder anniversary: Jewish singer to release song

 DUDU TASSA (left) and Jonny Greenwood.

Rocker Dudu Tassa teams up with Radiohead leader

 BEIT HARAV dedication ceremony a century ago, on 12 Sivan, 5683 / May 27, 1923. Seated on the dais is Rav Abraham Isaac Kook wearing his fur spodek; to his L are Harry Fischel, Herbert Samuel, and Sephardi chief rabbi Yaakov Meir.

A Sephardi renaissance is underway - opinion

 EZRA & MASOUDA SASSOON and family, Baghdad, 1919.

The Sassoons are having a moment. Here’s why that matters

By Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah/JTA
A PHOTO of displaced Iraqi Jews in 1951. The government hopes to give a voice to the story of the millions of Jewish refugees

Don't forget, remember the Farhud - editorial