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Jews in Israel

 YELLOW RUBBER ducks are on display, symbolizing the call for the release of the hostages held in Gaza, at Habima Square in Tel Aviv. Hindsight was thrust upon us by the subhuman attacks of Hamas.

Israel must become cohesive again, what can each of us do?

 Jewish men hold Israeli flags as they dance at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, during Jerusalem Day celebrations, June 5, 2024.

Jerusalem's population reaches one million residents in 2024

 THE FUNERAL of Sgt.-Maj. (res.) Eliraz Gabai, killed in Gaza, takes place in Tiberias, last week. Busy with fighting a war, attending funerals, and visiting the bereaved, we are suppressing a great deal of grief, the writer notes.

Jews and Arabs suffering from emotional distress since October 7

 REVELERS WATCH fireworks on Independence Day, at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. ‘When I first made aliyah, I found it so hard to understand the transition in an instant from the sadness of Remembrance Day to the firework celebrations of Independence Day,’ the writer recalls.

The pull of the land: Staying in Israel during the war - opinion

 Moses and Aaron with the 10 Commandments (illustrative).

Much like Moses we should prioritize Jewish unity over zealotry - opinion

 THE HISTORIC hour for the State of Israel and its citizens has arrived, says the writer.

We need a common Israeli spirit that can carry us toward a promising future - opinion