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 WHY DID God create each of us with an incurable illness called… ‘Life’?!

Death and life in the Land of Israel

 THE WRITER (left) is joined by Liora Chodes, Sapiens’ corporate human resources director, during a hospital visit

Lessons from a health wake-up call

This is how you assess your bad dreams

Enduring nightmares due to the situation? Learn to transform them

By Sagi Mendelboim / Walla
 THE EXHIBITION presents a dystopic view of life, seasoned with humor.

New Jerusalem exhibit shows how urban quality of life is declining

Facing death up close: A man buries himself alive in a unique experience

CEO Eli Pollak with volunteers and the boy they saved.

Three-year-old ‘miracle’ survivor presents flowers to rescuers

 ‘I HOLD my dad as close in my heart as he held me,’ says the writer.

'Who shall live, who shall die': Matters of life and death on Yom Kippur


Unveiling the six navel types: What they reveal about you

By Walla!

This atheist says he died and returned - now, he believes in God

By Walla!
 SUCCESS LIES in balancing the benefits of our sophisticated world with the simple values of life, often overlooked in our big and fast world.

Our world is too complex; we need to keep things simple - opinion

How do the Japanese achieve longevity?

By Walla!
 Cakes for a happy birthday (Illustrative).

This woman was born in 1909 and is celebrating her 114th birthday

 ‘WHEN I’M 64’ singer-songwriter and former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney, now 81, performs in Tel Aviv in 2008.

The shock and awe of growing old(er) - opinion

 ENDURING MYSTERIES envelop and captivate us.

Has modernity taken the mystery, wonder away from life and God? - opinion

Illustrative image of wildlife.

Do we need to change the definition of 'life' to find it among the stars?

By Walla!
 Woman taking photo while looking in mirror (illustrative)

20 ways to end your struggle with low self-esteem

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover used its black-and-white navigation cameras to capture panoramas of “Marker Band Valley” at two times of day on April 8. Color was added to a combination of both panoramas for an artistic interpretation of the scene.

NASA rover reveals new evidence about organic molecules on Mars

 nutritious foods

Want to live longer? Try these six foods