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National Labor Court

 HISTADRUT CHAIRMAN Arnon Bar-David attends a Histadrut conference in Tel Aviv, last year. Says the writer: Many left-wing American Jews got confused and uneasy; is the only Jewish state socialist or has it become capitalistic?

Legal disputes reach courts as Histadrut threatens to extend strike

 Supreme Judges

17 new judges appointed to labor courts, in shadow of judicial reform and war

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara vote in the municipal elections in Jerusalem on February 27, 2024

Former employees at Netanyahu's residence reach settlement for abuse

RABBI MENACHEM MENDEL SCHNEERSON of Lubavitch at a Lag Ba’omer parade in Brooklyn, 1987.

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave his 'hechsher' to Israel's court

 A picture taken in Sourasky Medical Center Tel Aviv on the day of the strike against violence in medical facilities. The sign reads: There is a strike here. Enough with the violence.

Israeli doctors, health system strike after judicial reform bill passes