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Public hearing held by ICJ to allow parties to give their views on the legal consequences of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories before eventually issuing a non-binding legal opinion in The Hague, Netherlands, February 21, 2024.

The Advisory Opinion on Palestine is a bad omen for international law

By Olivia Flasch , AMI H. ORKABY
 (L-R) US President Joe Biden, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu in Washington: Time to seal the deal

By Moshe Emilio Lavi
 A SIGN near the site of last week’s attempted assassination of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, reads: ‘Prayers for Peace – Donald Trump 2024.’ US President Joe Biden’s choice of Kimberly Cheatle to lead the Secret Service is a failure, the writer opines.

Biden’s quandry following the Trump assassination attempt

 AN FBI Evidence Response Team member works near where a gunman was killed by law enforcement, after presidential candidate Donald Trump’s attempted assassination in Butler, Penn. That attempt and targeted attack of two Hamas members are erroneously receiving similar reactions, the writer states.

Hamas, stop using human shields

 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE Donald Trump applauds at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, earlier this week. The writer believes Trump’s brush with death has been life-changing.

Why Trump’s near-death experience could make him a better president

 US President Joe Biden (left) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (right)

Biden battles party doubts as Netanyahu clings to power

 IDF forces in the Gaza Strip - a war of iron swords

The importance of sticking to routine—even during war

By Adi Fux/The Media Line
 FRENCH PRESIDENT Emmanuel Macron visits the Oradour-sur-Glane memorial center last month, marking the 80th anniversary of the Nazi massacre of 643 people. The writer explains that while the Nazis took antisemitism to its most horrific extreme, that hatred did not disappear when the Holocaust ended.

The tidal wave of antisemitic havoc

A MAN carries a flag in the March of Peace four years ago, marking the 25th year since the Srebrenica massacre, on July 8.

How to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia

By Zain Ali
 PROTESTS IN support of Palestinians in Gaza near Israel’s embassy in Amman, Jordan, earlier this week. Rejectionism’s persistence convinces some of its truth, explains the writer, adding that ‘White-hot fury and willingness to suffer imply a morally justified cause.’

The uniqueness of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

 A view of the sun behind a cross on top of a church in Lisbon, Portugal, earlier this year. The writer argues that fundamentalist Christian missionaries are as dangerous to Jewish continuity in the Land of Israel as Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.

Radical Islam, fundamentalist Christianity pose a threat to Judaism

By Donald Zev Uslan
 FRIENDS, FAMILY, and supporters of the hostages still held captive in Gaza stand by a table symbolically set for Shabbat, calling for their release. Since October 7, almost every Friday night conversation among Diaspora Jews has centered on that day, the writer states.

All around the shabbat table, Jews are scared

 A DEMONSTRATION against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government near the Knesset, last month. As long as Netanyahu stalls, he has got his government, says the writer.

PM Netanyahu's issues repeat over 25 years later

 IDF PERSONNEL load the remains of a ballistic missile onto a truck after it was found lying in the desert, near Arad, following a massive missile and drone attack by Iran on Israel, in April. Experts are baffled that the attack did not cripple the Jewish state, states the writer.

How Israel can confront the evil of Iran head-on

 PICTURES ARE displayed on the walls of a bomb shelter, in which, six months prior, people sought refuge before being massacred on October 7 at Kibbutz Be’eri, earlier this year.

Be’eri investigation uncovers leadership failures: Government must be held accountable

By Ronen Manelis
 SCULPTURE OF medieval Jewish scholar and later chief rabbi of Egypt, Moshe ben-Maimon, displayed in the city of his birth, Cordoba, Spain. The writer explains that according to Maimonides, the path of the wise is the ‘middle path.’

Finding the balance: What Jewish law teaches us about avoiding political extremes?

 PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY President Mahmoud Abbas attends the World Economic Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, earlier this year. The writer points out that the PA and Jordan were also invited to the Negev Forum in 2022, attended by Israel, the US, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, and the UAE.

Secret meetings prove Israel, Saudi Arabia still want normalization amid war

The ongoing war in Gaza and the resurgence of anti-Semitism cast a long shadow, reminding us that the Jewish people continue to face a dual struggle

A two-fold struggle in the shadow of memory - opinion

By Hadassa Getsztain