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oslo accords

Palestinians man a burning barricade on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem's Old City as they fight violent clashes with Israeli Border Police following the second Friday noon prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan during the Second Intifada. December 8, 2000.

Long-lasting tensions: Still grappling with the 2nd Intifada’s legacy

 PLO CHAIRMAN Yasser Arafat reaches to shake hands with prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, as US president Bill Clinton stands between them, after the signing of the Israeli-PLO peace accord, at the White House in Washington, on September 13, 1993.

The Oslo Accords turned 30. Here’s how they’ll shape a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

By Gidi Grinstein/JTA

Letters to the Editor September 27, 2023: Brazenly anti-Israel

 PLO CHAIRMAN Yasser Arafat reaches to shake hands with prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, as US president Bill Clinton stands between them, after the signing of the Israeli-PLO peace accord, at the White House in Washington, on September 13, 1993.

Oslo: How hope for Israeli-Palestinian peace turned into despair

  RIGHT-WING protesters face off against left-wing Peace Now activists on Oslo, outside PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office at start of his meeting with US peace envoy Dennis Ross, March 1998.

Oslo, Judicial reform: Crises that shook Israel and feature Netanyahu - opinion

 THE FAMOUS handshake: Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin seals the deal with PLO leader Yasser Arafat as US president Bill Clinton admires his handiwork, at the White House upon the signing of the Oslo Accords, Sept. 13, 1993.

How Oslo, Abraham Accords shaped Israel's place in the Middle East - analysis

YITZHAK RABIN, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres in the movie ‘The Oslo Diaries,’ about the attempt to bring peace to the Middle East through the Oslo Accords during the 1990s.

Israel must not let the Oslo Accords wither away - editorial

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin, in 2019. Similar to Netanyahu, Rabin didn’t support the establishment of a Palestinian state, rather of a ‘minus-state.’

Netanyahu to boycott Rabin memorial ceremony in first for prime minister - report

 YAIR HIRSCHFELD: ‘We followed the teachings of David Ben-Gurion who knew that, in order to maintain the Jewish and democratic identity of Israel, the partition of the territory of British Mandatory Palestine is essential.’

Oslo Accord: Origins, goals, flaws of the Israel-Palestinian peace plan

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu shakes hands with PA head Mahmoud Abbas at the funeral of Shimon Peres, in Jerusalem, 2016. The Oslo process has been continued by every government including by Benjamin Netanyahu, says the writer.

The Right vilifies Oslo, but has never offered an alternative - opinion

 THEN-PRIME MINISTER Yitzhak Rabin, then-US President Bill Clinton and then-PLO chairman Yasser Arafat wave after the signing of the Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles, at the White House, 1993

New Nakba: Oslo led to Israeli apartheid over occupied Palestinians - opinion

YITZHAK RABIN, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres in the movie ‘The Oslo Diaries,’ about the attempt to bring peace to the Middle East through the Oslo Accords during the 1990s.

The Oslo Accords: Not a total failure - opinion

US PRESIDENT Bill Clinton watches prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat shake hands after signing the Oslo I Accord, at the White House in Washington on September 13, 1993.

On This Day: Israel, Palestinians sign Oslo I Accord 30 years ago

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin, in 2019. Similar to Netanyahu, Rabin didn’t support the establishment of a Palestinian state, rather of a ‘minus-state.’

Despite its failure Oslo process contributed to our national security - opinion

 YITZHAK RABIN knew of the likely failure of the Oslo Accords and the high price failure could bring, but on the small chance it could work, couldn’t pass on the opportunity to make peace, says the writer.

Jewish people have always desired peace with all their neighbors - opinion