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scientific study

 Study reveals heart has ‘sweet taste’ receptors. Illustration.

Study reveals heart has ‘sweet taste’ receptors

 Earth cross section in space view. Illustration.

Recordings from South Sandwich Islands reveal the earth's core is changing

 AN ILLUSTRATION from Resnik’s paper.

Chronic stress raises brain noise: Why Israelis might shout louder

 Two men place a painted billboard of the "Avengers: Endgame" movie by Greek artist Virginia Axioti at the facade of the Athinaion cinema in Athens, Greece, April 23, 2019.

Hollywood is producing more violent film content than ever before

 ALMA observations of the protoplanetary disk around HD 142527. The white bars show the directions of the magnetic field revealed by the orientation of the dust grains. The strength of the magnetic field is 0.3 milligauss. For comparison, a typical refrigerator magnet has a magnetic field

How dust movement is helping us understand magnetic fields and planet formation

By Ben Edidin
 PROF. SEGOLI’S TEAM during fieldwork.

The 'unsung heroes': Life-sustaining roles of pollinators and parasitoids

Will AI be capable of overpowering humanity?

AI model predicts celiac disease years before diagnosis, study finds

 METAFAT in the Hebrew University labs.

Moove over, cows: Hebrew U researchers craft perfect bite of meat by designing plant-based steaks

Researchers used machine learning to analyze these unique features on cats’ faces in their study.

Literal copycats: Felines use facial mimicry to bond, study finds

 Ketamine Vial 500mg in 10ml, Bloomington, Il, US.

Study reveals surge in recreational Ketamine use among US adults

 Cornell University study reveals pupil size during sleep signals memory formation. Illustration.

Cornell University study reveals pupil size during sleep signals memory formation

 Study reveals dangerous flame retardants in black plastic kitchen utensils and toys.

Study reveals dangerous flame retardants in black plastic kitchen utensils and toys

 World population to reach 8.09 billion on January 1, 2025, says US Census Bureau.

World population to reach 8.09 billion on January 1, 2025, says US Census Bureau

 ‘PELOBATES SYRIACUS,’ the Syrian spadefoot toad.

The case of the Syrian spadefoot toad: Politicized science spreading enmity among nations

 Reservoir Dogs film cast. Ohio State University study reveals surge in 'Murder' verbs in movies since 1970.

Ohio State University study reveals surge in 'Murder' verbs in movies since 1970

 Huaca Rajada and the Royal Tombs of the Lord of Sipan. An archeological site near Chiclayo, Peru.

Strangled son found by buried father: Genetic study reveals shocking human sacrifices in Peru

 Ants outshine humans in teamwork: Weizmann Institute's surprising findings. Illustration: frank60.

Ants outshine humans in teamwork: Weizmann Institute's surprising findings

 Sheep horns. Manipulated by ancient Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptians manipulated sheep horns, study reveals