The Jerusalem Post

Better Juice's technological breakthrough enables guilt-free ice cream

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

The Israeli food-tech company Better Juice is now extending its reach to the global market of fruit sorbets and ice creams, offering a solution that reduces sugar content by up to 80%.

The global revolution in natural sugar reduction, spearheaded by Better Juice, is now reaching the international market for fruit sorbets and ice creams. The Israeli food-tech company, which recently received GRAS approval, is expanding its unique technological development to provide solutions for ice cream chains in the United States.

Better Juice, an Israeli food-tech firm, continues to make impressive strides in the global food-tech industry. Known for its extensive global operations, the company is now focusing on creating reduced-sugar sorbets. The company has successfully adapted its patented technology to process fruit concentrates and purées, which are the primary ingredients in sorbets. This startup, based in Ness Ziona, Israel, already produces sorbets in various flavors, including apple, orange, and strawberry, reducing their sugar content by 50-70% and calories by 40%.

Fruit-based ice creams and sorbets are generally seen as refreshing, innocent treats enriched with the natural goodness of real fruits. However, in reality, the drawback of sorbets is their high natural sugar content. “Even products claiming to have no added sugar still contain about 6% to 10% sugar from fruit juice concentrates alone,” explains Gali Yarpm, co-founder and CEO of Better Juice. “The glycemic index of sorbets is usually higher than that of ice cream because they contain fruit sugars and not fats, leading to quicker absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.”

Yarom adds, “We’ve managed to create tasty sorbets with as low as 2% sugar content. Our treated sorbets have a milder sweetness while maintaining all their characteristic fruity flavors. Additionally, they have fewer calories and a lower glycemic index.”

  (credit: Janet Erlich)
(credit: Janet Erlich)

Better Juice’s groundbreaking enzymatic technology uses non-genetically modified microorganisms that naturally convert the sugar composition in fruit juices into indigestible fibers without affecting their natural vitamins, dietary fibers, and nutrients.

Better Juice will provide its technological breakthrough to ice cream chains and sorbet manufacturers through small, user-friendly units containing the patented enzymes. Manufacturers will be able to reduce the sugar content in their products, including fruit-based ice creams, to desired levels of up to 80%. Additionally, ice cream makers can receive reduced-sugar concentrates from other juice producers in the U.S. who have agreements with the company to install the sugar reduction device at their facilities.

Recently, Better Juice received GRAS approval from the U.S. FDA, allowing it to market its products in the United States. The company will initially commercialize its solution for sorbets and ice creams in the U.S. but plans to expand to Europe and other countries as well.

Dr. Eran Belchinsky, co-founder and chief technology officer at Better Juice, adds, “This move highlights our ability to expand the range of applications that our technology can cover. The potential extends far beyond just fruit juices and can be applied to any product containing real fruit components, such as jams and fruit rolls, which are also planned for sugar reduction by Better Juice. We are bringing news to consumers consciously looking to reduce their sugar intake or those sensitive to sugar, without sacrificing their enjoyment of these sweet treats.”
