An Israel Air Force (IAF) aircraft struck and eliminated a terror cell that was identified by IDF observers as it exited a tunnel shaft in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip, the military said on Sunday. 

In addition, troops of the 98th Division struck in the area from which rockets were launched on Saturday towards the Gaza border community of Kissufim, further attacking a building used by Hamas's rocket array. 

IDF strikes terror targets in the Gaza Strip. August 11, 2024. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit).

An additional terror cell was eliminated in the Rafah area by troops of the Nahal Brigade in conjunction with the IAF after forces had identified the squad entering a military building in their vicinity. 

The military added that in the past day, jets and aircraft struck some 30 Hamas terror targets throughout Gaza, among which were anti-tank posts, storage facilities, and military buildings. 
