The Jerusalem Post

Israel-Australia study highlights risks of selective adaptation in coral

 Sydney researchers had previously discovered the coral species Porites lutea thrives in both mangrove and reef sites.  (photo credit: Emma Camp)
Sydney researchers had previously discovered the coral species Porites lutea thrives in both mangrove and reef sites.
(photo credit: Emma Camp)

Corals living in mangrove lagoons that undergo significant variations in multiple environmental conditions display stress-tolerance traits. But these adaptations come at a cost.

Resilient corals – often referred to as “super corals” – have recently been seen as potential saviors in the face of climate change and its detrimental effects on coral reefs.

This environmental threat is putting the future of coral reefs around the world in doubt. Ocean warming, seawater deoxygenation, and ocean acidification are the primary stressors that coral reefs face as climate changes. Between 2009 and 2018 alone, 14% of global coral cover was lost. 

Now, a team of scientists from the University of Haifa and the University of Technology in Sydney (UTS) is working to better understand these corals so as to develop strategies for protecting fragile ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef.

Understanding and protecting coral from environmental threats

UTS scientist Dr. Emma Camp, co-lead researcher of the study just published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications under the title “The role and risks of selective adaptation in extreme coral habitats” said the findings have significant implications for the future survival and suitability of these resilient corals in restoration projects. “Understanding the mechanisms by which corals adapt and survive in extreme habitats is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies.”


The study primarily focuses on the reef-building coral species Porites lutea, which UTS researchers have previously discovered thrives in both mangrove and reef sites. Mangrove lagoons are characterized by hostile conditions similar to future climate predictions for coral reefs – the water is warmer, more acidic, and has lower oxygen levels.

 The coral species Euphyllia paradivisa in the Red Sea Gulf of Eilat. (credit: DR. GAL EYAL)
The coral species Euphyllia paradivisa in the Red Sea Gulf of Eilat. (credit: DR. GAL EYAL)

“While the discovery of 'super corals' in mangrove lagoons initially appeared promising, the research highlighted potential risks associated with selective adaptation, including reduced genetic diversity and compromised skeletal properties.”

Corals living in mangrove lagoons that undergo significant variations in multiple environmental conditions display stress-tolerance traits. But these adaptations come at a cost. One notable discovery was the reduction in genetic diversity and gene expression variability among mangrove corals.

Prof. Tali Mass, co-lead researcher on the study from the University of Haifa said that “while this allows them to survive in the current harsh conditions, it may limit their ability to cope with future environmental stressors.” The study also discovered alterations in the skeletal structure of Porites lutea found in mangrove lagoons, and the corals showed increased porosity and reduced density, potentially compromising their long-term survival if relocated to high wave sites.

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Camp added that the findings challenge existing beliefs about the resilience of corals. “While there is little doubt that ‘super corals’ have a role to play in coral restoration programs, maintaining genetic diversity and carefully consideration of the suitability of corals adapted to extreme environments is vital when planning restoration efforts,” she said. The team members are now studying how best to integrate ‘super corals’ in the activities of the Coral Nurture Program to maintain genetic diversity and minimize risk.

The Environment and Climate Change portal is produced in cooperation with the Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Change at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The Jerusalem Post maintains all editorial decisions related to the content.
