The Jerusalem Post

The importance of regular checkups in preventing cancer

 Stomach Cancer (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Stomach Cancer
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

In honor of World Cancer Day, this article stresses that preventive medicine, including early diagnosis, is one of the main tools in the fight against the disease.

While modern medicine has almost completely overcome many common infectious diseases, cancer remains a major threat to human life and carries with it an aura of anxiety. As such, it is very important to know that medicine has achieved very significant achievements in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

A diagnosis of malignancy does not mean a death sentence as we manage to bring about a full cure in an increasing percentage of patients. Even in cases where we do not fully cure it, we can significantly increase life expectancy as well as quality of life.

These achievements were achieved by unceasing research and a better understanding of the mechanisms of the formation of malignancies. Based on this information, scientists have developed new and effective drugs, chemotherapies, radiation treatments, and surgery, among other things.

Early detection saves lives

Despite all this, in the fight against all diseases known to man, preventive medicine remains one of the main tools. In the field of cancer, early diagnosis is one of the most important elements for completely treating the disease.


There is no doubt that performing the same tests that are newly recommended by the medical institutions and health funds, such as fecal occult blood tests and colonoscopy after the age of 40, mammography once every two years for women over the age of 50, gynecological examination with a pap smear from the cervix, and more, can literally save lives.
