Ram shofars, ibex shofars, goat shofars, even impractical shofars made from wildebeest and markhor – all are included in the shofar exhibition at the Biblical Museum of Natural History. Opening hours on Friday are from 9 a.m. to noon; and from Sunday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. NIS 50 for adults, NIS 40 for children between ages three and 17. Choshen Street, Har Tuv (facing Beit Shemesh). Learn more by calling 073-213-1662.


The Jerusalem Cinematheque screening of black-and-white film classics by Jewish-German (and later, American) director Ernst Lubitsch continues with the 1938 witty comedy Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife. Gary Cooper plays a wealthy man who is used to marrying and divorcing women until he meets Claudette Colbert. As the title implies, even Bluebeard had to stop at some point. Screened at 5 p.m.

Trouble in Paradise (1932), about the encounter of a thief and a wealthy widow, will be shown at 7 p.m. It stars Kay Francis and Miriam Hopkins. NIS 41 per ticket. Call (02) 565-4333 to book. 11 Hebron Rd.


Visit “Gang,” a new group exhibition at the New Gallery Artists’ Studios Teddy, and see works by Hannan Abu Hussein, Idan Sitbon, Einat Arif- Galanti, among others. Curated by Elena Stelzer, the exhibition employs the ideas of German-Jewish thinker Walter Benjamin about the corridor (“Gang” in German), a moving-through space that he deemed only suitable for a corpse. 

Abu Hussein has made several interesting video works, such as Ajuna (Dough), Pouring Oil, and Bukia (Bundle), and was featured in an Tohu e-magazine article by Wisam Gibran. Gibran offers some very erudite insights of her work (see:

Jerusalem Cinematheque unveils renovated auditorium  (credit: Courtesy)
Jerusalem Cinematheque unveils renovated auditorium (credit: Courtesy)

Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and admission is free. Teddy Stadium Gate 22. Call (02) 546-8892 to learn more.


Enjoy the Israeli Holiday of Music, an official state holiday during which the Prime Minister Award for Composers is given, by attending Omer. The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, under conductor Nimrod David Pfeffer, will perform works by Yosef Tal, Oded Zehavi, Talia Amar, and Leon Schidlowsky.

The 8 p.m. concert will be held at the Jerusalem Theatre (20 Marcus St.) and is free, though pre-registration is required. Film lovers should note that at 10 p.m. a special screening of the black-and-white 1920 German silent horror film masterwork The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari will be held with live music at the theater. 

This event is also free with pre-registration. Check to learn more.


Open your personal “kalachakra” (time cycle) by watching Buddhist films and attending online workshops as part of Buddahfest (until October 22). One online workshop, by Jewish-American Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg, is “Compassionate Action: The Fierce Heart in Challenging Times” and is offered at a significant discount for those who sign up early.

Among the films is In Search of Kundun, which explores the filming of the 1997 movie Kundun, Kalachakra The Enlightenment, a visually rich examination of the initiation rite, as well as Wheel of Time by Werner Herzog. Learn more by visiting 


Attend the second convention of street orchestras, which includes such noted groups as Las Piratas Piratas and the Pam Pah Orchestra, and enjoy master classes and free concerts.

Sax player Eyal Talmudi will offer an advanced technique workshop at 3:30 p.m. on how to conduct street performances; drummer Stephen Horenstein will give a class on rhythm at 4:30 p.m. Workshops are NIS 50 per person and will be held on the Muslala balcony (97 Jaffa St.). 

The Israel Klezmer Orchestra will offer a marching performance on Yoel Salomon Street, beginning at 7 p.m. Dr. Jazz, a 1950s jazz band that focuses on Dixieland-style music, will play on Ben-Yehuda Street at the same time. At 8 p.m., the Marsh Dondurma marching band will move out from Ben-Yehuda Street. All performances are free.

Can’t make it tonight? Return to Ben-Yehuda Street tomorrow at 8 p.m. to enjoy the Pam Pah Orchestra. For more information, see:


Listen to the music of Inbal Djamchid during a special concert tribute to late artist Sara Alimi, given as part of an exhibition of her works titled “Black Woman Wants to Fly” at 9 p.m. at the Agripas 12 gallery (12 Agripas St.). Free admission.

Divided into seven themes, the paintings offer an in-depth examination of the Mizrahi experience from a woman’s point of view, as Alimi was born in Algeria.

When discussing her pro-peace, anti-war, views during the 2014 Operation Protective Edge, Alimi quoted two lines by the poet Zelda: “take a boat/ and cross the sea of fire.”

Taken from the Zelda poem “Every Rose,” here is a fuller quote to better appreciate it: “Each rose is an island/ of the promised peace/ the eternal peace/ in each rose lives/ a sapphire bird/ whose name is ‘they shall beat’ near/ is that island/ take a boat/ and cross the sea of fire.”

* Attend an English-language talk on “Yom Kippur as a Day of Joy” by Rabbi Prof. Jacob J. Schacter of Yeshiva University, at 8 p.m. at the Ramban synagogue, 4 Amatzia St. Free admission.

Throwing a special party? Opening an art exhibition or a new bar? Bringing in a guest speaker to introduce a fascinating topic? Drop me a line at and let In Jerusalem know about it. Send emails with “Jerusalem Highlights” in the subject line. Although all information is welcome, we cannot guarantee it will be featured in the column.