The Jerusalem Post

American airline offers free flights to people who adopt kittens

 Illustrative image of three kittens. (photo credit: FLICKR)
Illustrative image of three kittens.
(photo credit: FLICKR)

An American animal charity foundation named three tiny kittens after airline names in America.

Frontier Airlines in the United States is offering free flights to people who adopt three kittens.

The Los Angeles-based charity Animal Foundation posted photos of the three kittens on Twitter and named them after the American Delta, Frontier and Spirit airlines.

A report about the kittens in local news drew the attention of Frontier who is now offering flight vouchers worth $250 to whoever adopts the kittens.

The airline thanked the foundation for the honor of having one of the kittens named after it on Twitter.


"This is so sweet!" the official Twitter account wrote. "Thank you for the honor, [Animal Foundation]! We'd love to donate two flight vouchers each to people who adopt Delta and Spirit; and four vouchers to the person who adopts Frontier."

 A Frontier Airlines plane. This one has a horse on its tail. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A Frontier Airlines plane. This one has a horse on its tail. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Is this a sweet offer or does it endanger the kittens?

While many people praised the offer and thanked the airline for encouraging people to adopt the kittens, others expressed concerns that people would adopt the kittens and then abandon them when they got their vouchers or when the kittens grow up.

In a statement to the British Independent, a Frontier Airlines representative said that the "conditions of animals is important and dear to us. Every one of our planes has an animal on the tail with a name and a special background story, with many of the species being endangered or at risk of extinction. We were more than happy to offer an award to encourage people to adopt those three dear kittens."

The Animal Foundation said that the kittens will be given to their adopting homes as soon as they've grown a little, and the veterinary team at the foundation approves them to leave.
