The Jerusalem Post

Can't find your car in a parking lot? Use this trick

 Can you find your car?  (photo credit: PORNCHAI KITTIWONGSAKUL/AFP via Getty Images)
Can you find your car?
(photo credit: PORNCHAI KITTIWONGSAKUL/AFP via Getty Images)

If you didn't write the location down (or take a picture) - you may find yourself walking around for a long time without seeing your car.

Everyone is familiar with the satisfying feeling that comes with finding a parking space in a large parking lot after driving around and around. However, after you've finished your shopping (or whatever you're out doing) it can sometimes be exhausting trying to remember exactly which aisle or floor you left your car on.

If you didn't write the location down (or take a picture) - you may find yourself walking around for a long time without seeing your car. Seinfeld devoted an entire episode to the challenge. If this sounds like a situation you've encountered too many times, then we have a trick to help you the next time you can't remember where you parked you car.

According to experts, there is a method you can try that will save you time searching for the car. Experts at the Dick Lovett car leadership explained that you can hold the key to your chin and increase the range


"If you’re having trouble finding your car in a busy car park, or are unsure where you parked it, you can place the car key fob on your chin in order to increase the range of the car-retrieval signal,” the experts told the Mirror.

Does the method work?

The Mirror team decided to test the method and discovered that it does work - but not for everyone. They pointed out that the key trick seems to work only on certain cars (mainly new ones). Apparently, it also depends on the car model - for example, they couldn't get the trick to work on a Fiat 500, but it did work on a Volkswagen Polo.
