The Jerusalem Post

Russia woman adopts a cat. Turns out it was a black panther

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

A viral video showcases the heartwarming story of a Russian woman who found what she thought was a stranded kitten in the woods, only to realize it was not.

A woman of Russian origin stumbled upon what she believed to be a helpless kitten while walking through a forest. She immediately took it into her home and decided to adopt it, documenting the entire journey in a video that she shared on social media.

The heartwarming footage quickly went viral, amassing over 9 million views, as viewers were captivated by the unexpected twist that unfolded.

As the days passed, the woman noticed that the creature she had taken in wasn't a domestic cat at all, but a black panther. The fascinating clip, which was posted on Instagram under the account @luna_the_pantera on September 21, has since gained millions of views, leaving viewers astonished by the turn of events.

Take a look at the documented journey.


What did views have to say?

One viewer commented that the poor puppy wouldn't have survived if she hadn't found him.

Another user responded that it is heartwarming to see such a majestic cat grow up alongside a dog and blessed the woman for her kindness.

A third viewer even made a lighthearted comment, joking about what it would be like to enter an apartment expecting to see a guard dog and to face a panther instead. 
