The Jerusalem Post

Gal Gadot mobilizes for the families of the Israeli hostages

  (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)

Actress Gal Gadot on her followers to help share stories of missing and kidnapped Israelis.

Hollywood star Gal Gadot has taken a stand for the families affected by the war in Israel.

On Thursday, she shared a heartfelt post on her Instagram account, calling on her followers to help in sharing the stories of the missing and kidnapped individuals.

'The word needs to see them'
"Send me the details of the missing and abducted through the link in my bio and story," Gadot's message reads. "The world needs to see them."


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Gadot emphasized her commitment to helping raise awareness about the tragedy of the Israeli hostages in the hands of Hamas.

"I want to use my platform to shed light on the stories of those who have been abducted or gone missing," she wrote. "We must put faces and names to the unimaginable statistics that plague our world. The world must witness the faces of babies, children, mothers, fathers, and elderly individuals who have been taken captive or have mysteriously disappeared from their homes without a trace."
