The Jerusalem Post

IDF reservists mocked on social media for new mustache trend

Reservists train during a battalion wide exercise in the Golan Heights. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Reservists train during a battalion wide exercise in the Golan Heights.

A photo of IDF reservists sporting dubious mustaches was shared on Instagram. The responses point out how ridiculous they seem to look.

In 2020, mustaches became popular among celebrities who actually know something about fashion. Everyone from Harry Styles, Lil Nas X, Timothee Chalamet, and even Justin Bieber all could be spotted sporting a mustache under their noses.

But last week, it became apparent that this trend is gaining momentum again, this time in the IDF.

"A very dangerous trend of mustaches has been spreading at IDF bases. No beards, just fluffy mustaches in the middle of their faces," noted Hapshuta Instagram account. "IDF soldiers, as we've seen in the last two days, you're all very handsome. It's a shame to ruin that with this Jordanian look."


Another figure getting in on the trend is Israeli actress and comedian Tzipi Shavit, who photoshopped herself into the same photo of IDF soldiers in uniform.

"In light of the spotlight on IDF reservists who now grow a mustache, I decided to join the trend," she wrote on Instagram. "BY the way, I didn't grow a mustache, I just didn't get rid of it."

Perfect, thanks for that.

What do women think of mustaches?

Men, if any of you were wondering what women think about this new mustachioed look, here are some responses shared to the Hapshuta post: And spoiler alert, the answer is no.


"I love the humor, they look like the old pictures of our grandparents," one comment said.

"Maybe they are trying to sympathize with the IDF soldiers who fought in the Yom Kippur War," said another.

But the absolute best response was this: "As if we aren't suffering enough right now."

So come home, soldiers. A neatly kept beard is enough.
