The Jerusalem Post

Bride's provocative wedding song leads to immediate divorce

 VHarasymiv (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Unheard of: Newlyweds split after bride dances to controversial song, causing family feud and immediate divorce.

A groom divorced his bride on their wedding day after she requested a song with problematic lyrics and danced provocatively, resulting in a heated argument between their families.

This couple has set a new record for the shortest marriage in history, ending their relationship at the conclusion of their wedding celebrations in Baghdad, Iraq. Local media reports revealed that the bride asked for the Syrian song "Meistra" by Lamis Khan. The song's title, "I am dominant," sparked a conflict that ultimately led to their divorce.

The song opens with the lyrics, "I am dominant, you will be controlled by my strict instructions, I will drive you crazy if you look at other women on the street. Yes, I am dominant. You are my piece of sugar. As long as you are with me, you will follow my orders." Although the singer clarified that the lyrics intend to convey feminine control over men, reports indicate that the groom and his family were unimpressed with the bride's choice of song.


Alongside the lyrics, the groom also took issue with the song's rhythm, as reported by the India Times. When the groom witnessed the bride dancing to "Meistra," he interpreted it as an insult and provocation. Consequently, an argument erupted between the two families, escalating into a physical altercation and culminating in what is believed to be the quickest divorce in Iraq's history.

Surprisingly, this is not the first time this song has led to a divorce. In a similar incident reported by Gulf News last year, a Jordanian man also ended his marriage during the wedding reception upon his wife's request for the same song to be played.
