The Jerusalem Post

'Eretz Nehederet' uses TikTok to mock UNRWA-Hamas scandal

Eretz Nehederet, a popular satirical comedy program on Israeli primetime television, took the opportunity to run with a popular TikTok trend and poked fun at the ongoing UNRWA scandal in a new video released on the platform on Tuesday. January 30, 2024. (photo credit: SCREENSHOT ACCORDING TO 27A OF COPYRIGHT ACT)
Eretz Nehederet, a popular satirical comedy program on Israeli primetime television, took the opportunity to run with a popular TikTok trend and poked fun at the ongoing UNRWA scandal in a new video released on the platform on Tuesday. January 30, 2024.

The program joked that UNRWA believed they were hosting a "Student exchange program" before depicting a Gaza captive.

Eretz Nehederet, a popular satirical comedy program on Israeli primetime television, took the opportunity to run with a popular TikTok trend and poked fun at the ongoing UNRWA scandal in a new video released on the platform on Tuesday.

UNRWA, a UN agency focused on assisting Palestinian refugees, has recently come under international fire after several reports alleged that UNRWA staffers had participated in the Hamas October 7 massacres.

In a new TikTok trend that has users identify with a group or personal trait before relating to stereotypes related to each trait, the performers at Eretz Nehederet pulled the same for what you’d expect to find in a UNRWA school or staff member’s home.


“I’m a UNRWA teacher; of course, I make sure my classroom has all the necessary supplies!” The actor then pulls out dry-erase markers, an eraser, and an AR-15.

“I’m an UNRWA staffer, of course I make sure all humanitarian aid goes to who really needs it,” another actor said, as an actor depicting a Hamas terrorist takes supplies right from him.

 Una mujer palestina participa en una protesta contra posibles reducciones de los servicios y la ayuda ofrecidos por la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados Palestinos en Oriente Próximo (UNRWA), frente a la sede de la UNRWA en la ciudad de Gaza el 16 de agosto de 2015. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
Una mujer palestina participa en una protesta contra posibles reducciones de los servicios y la ayuda ofrecidos por la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados Palestinos en Oriente Próximo (UNRWA), frente a la sede de la UNRWA en la ciudad de Gaza el 16 de agosto de 2015. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)

Poking at UNRWA when relevant

Another scene depicts a teacher talking about subjects they teach while pulling out three different copies of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Other scenes poked at UNRWA workers' participation on October 7 - joking that they can be seen in videos from Gaza that went viral.  “Do you see that person running? That’s me.”
