The Jerusalem Post

Improve your IQ: Remove just two matches to solve the equation

Remove only two matches to fix this exercise  (photo credit: AdobeStock)
Remove only two matches to fix this exercise
(photo credit: AdobeStock)

Test your concentration and intelligence with this viral puzzle! Fix the incorrect equation by removing only two matches. Can you solve it?

This viral puzzle was posted on TikTok on an account that often shares quizzes and personality tests. Many attempted and failed to solve it.

The equation shows 6X8=96, and consists of 29 matches.

Remove two matches to reveal the correct equation consisting of 27 matches. Concentrate hard and think outside the box.

The solution is at the bottom of the article

Remove only two matches to fix this exercise  (credit: AdobeStock)
Remove only two matches to fix this exercise (credit: AdobeStock)

Did you manage to find out which of the matches must be removed from the exercise to reach the solution?

The answer is below:

 The answer is in front of you (credit: AdobeStock)
The answer is in front of you (credit: AdobeStock)

Remove the top right vertical match from the number 8, which will make it a number 6. Then, remove the top left vertical match from the number 9 (96), which will make a number 3 (36).


The correct exercise will be: 6x6=36.
