The Jerusalem Post

The UN protects Hamas because it hates Jews – opinion

 Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, attends a side event during the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva earlier this year. (photo credit: DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS)
Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, attends a side event during the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva earlier this year.

After repeated attacks on Israel, why does a peace organization continually protect a terrorist group?

It didn’t come as a huge shock to read that Hamas warehouses in Gaza are full of stolen humanitarian aid.

Considering that these warehouses are stored to the brim not only with goods but also food and medicine, it is unbelievable that Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights for the Palestinian territories, can keep a straight face when she laments that there are shortages in Gaza, squarely blaming Israel for it.

With a reported 200 trucks entering Gaza daily, these supplies are packed into the Hamas warehouses, causing them to run out of space. 

You would think that this would be the lead story for all news services. Or, at least, a much-needed update should be given by the UN, which seems to be out of the loop or is deliberately pushing another version for the sole purpose of fomenting more hatred toward Israel, by casting blame on it.


In effect, the UN is maliciously lying and covering for a notorious terror organization that threatens not only the safety of the Jewish homeland but all of humanity.

 A view during United Nations Security Council meeting about the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, at the U.N. headquarters in New York City, U.S., September 4, 2024. (credit:  REUTERS/David 'Dee' Delgado)
A view during United Nations Security Council meeting about the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, at the U.N. headquarters in New York City, U.S., September 4, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/David 'Dee' Delgado)

A blind eye to Hamas

Why would the UN – a global organization supposedly dedicated to furthering and maintaining worldwide peace – knowingly protect savage barbarians, whose sole aim is to control every person, forcing them to be subservient to a demonic ideology that demands allegiance to murderous thugs? I’m at a loss to comprehend this kind of depravity.

Does Albanese, and others of her ilk, hate Jews and Israel so much that they are willing to turn a blind eye to the blatant deception by Hamas terrorists, who are devoid of any conscience when it comes to the atrocities that they are willing to commit? Are they unaware these barbarians would turn on them in a second if they thought it would be beneficial?

Nonetheless, the UN is contributing to, assisting, and facilitating the eventual demise of everyone because Hamas has no loyalty except to themselves. Even that’s questionable since many in Hamas are willing to die for the cause, cheapening the value of their own lives.

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Yet, in its blissful ignorance and personal animus for the Jewish people, this global organization is willing to put everything on the line to discredit Israel, even to the point of influencing Wikipedia to document a lie with the statement that the “allegation of genocide in Gaza is now a settled fact.”

Wikipedia, which is supposed to provide reliable and credible information, has joined others in drinking the Kool-Aid of the UN, choosing to take Hamas’s word over that of a democratic country. Israel has not only spent the last 76 years building itself up from the ashes of the Holocaust but has also run to assist others, including hostile nations such as Turkey and Syria, following sudden natural catastrophes in their respective countries.


The UN should be ashamed

How depraved to publish such outrageous claims – with no proof, short of libelous innuendo – to authoritatively accuse Israel of systematic genocide and starvation toward the people of Gaza. These false accusations are designed to sully the reputation of what might truly be the most moral and caring country in the world.

The UN should be ashamed of itself for promoting such defamation based on its own small-mindedness, hateful prejudice, and devious maligning of the Jewish people and the state that was established to be a home for God’s chosen who have, throughout history, been the object of scorn and deriding just for being who they are.

How could anyone think that this is not driven by jealousy and pettiness that is based on an angry rivalry of those who are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? That is the crux of this conflict, and all of the rage that has been unleashed, especially over the past year, is a byproduct of that unbridled hatred. 

None of this is new. However, thinking that eliminating the Jews will improve and enhance the world’s position seems to be a common error that has been repeatedly made throughout history. Ironically, a world without Jews would doom everyone else because humanity would be missing the many advances and breakthroughs courtesy of the Jews, not to mention the moral and spiritual roles that they were meant to fulfill.

A September 18 Jewish News Syndicate article reported that a “Palestinian-drafted resolution was passed by the UN General Assembly, stating that Jerusalem’s Old City, in addition to Judea and Samaria, must be Judenrein (Jew-free) within a year."

No good can come from eliminating God’s chosen, but that is the direction being taken by the UN, which is playing the very dangerous game of blaming the Jews for all that is wrong. Rather than honestly point the finger at Hamas, a monstrous demon-possessed terror group. Instead, the UN seems justified in its complicity to hide and reject the evil so obvious for all to see, pretending as if Hamas is the victim of Jewish aggression.

Why is the UN protecting Hamas? Because they simply hate the Jews. But then, how can the UN hold itself up to the world as anything good or trustworthy? The UN is nothing more than a collection of individuals bereft of any morality, honesty, or clear vision. They have no business professing to be advocates for peace or truth since they have chosen to protect Hamas.

If they cannot be candid and forthright about their motives and dealings, at least we can expose their duplicity in helping avowed terrorists continue their fight against all humanity. 

The writer is a former Jerusalem elementary and middle school principal. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, available on Amazon, based on the time-tested wisdom in the Book of Proverbs.
