The Jerusalem Post

Thousands of Israeli schoolchildren are coming to school hungry

  (photo credit: OMRI SHAPIRA)
(photo credit: OMRI SHAPIRA)

Nevet organization will provide 17,000 sandwiches a day to keep the hunger away.

Every morning, approximately 37,000 Israeli children arrive at school without food for the late-morning breakfast break that is customary in schools in Israel. These students will have to sit through their morning studies with a hungry feeling in the pit of their stomachs and will have difficulty concentrating and paying attention.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it contributes to a child’s ability to focus and advance in their studies, reduces exhaustion, and provides a sense of feeling satisfied and secure. Research has shown that breakfast is positively associated with higher academic achievement and cognitive functioning. Conversely, hunger is the number one reason why students drop out of school.

Nevet, an Israeli non-profit organization in its eighteenth year, provides 17,000 sandwiches, fresh fruit, and vegetables each day to children in 133 cities and municipalities across Israel in 350 schools.  Nevet provides healthy ingredients, including whole wheat rolls, cheeses, hummus, tuna, and more, to schools each morning. School staff members – usually teachers – prepare the sandwiches early in the day, following the organization’s rigorous health and food safety standards. The sandwiches are distributed to students in a manner that ensures and protects their dignity.  Nevet works with schools to ensure that distribution is carried out discreetly. In most cases, the sandwiches are ready before the students arrive at school and can be collected upon arrival from school staff.

For more details and donations: Nevet

  (credit: Lahav Rotem)
(credit: Lahav Rotem)

The need for a healthy breakfast for hungry Israeli children affects all sectors in Israel. Nevet is the only organization of its kind designed to provide this practical response and works with school-aged children, ages 6-18, from all backgrounds and ethnicities – Jews, Arabs, Bedouin, religious, Haredi, and secular. 


Rotem Yosef Giladi, CEO of Nevet, explains that the difficulties facing hungry schoolchildren are more complex in light of Israel’s security situation. “This has been a challenging year with very little stability and security, which is significant for children. We are happy that at Nevet, we have been able to provide them with food each day that provides them with a feeling of  security and stability of receiving something each day.” The organization has distributed sandwiches to children who have been evacuated from their homes and who have continued their studies in other cities. 

Nevet not only provides sandwiches to families with financial needs but also to those families that are experiencing other difficulties. The circumstances of the Iron Swords War have created challenging situations for many families. Some have fathers serving for extended periods in the IDF reserves. Other families have been evacuated to different communities, while one parent remains at their regular job in a different part of the country.  

  (credit: OMRI SHAPIRA)
(credit: OMRI SHAPIRA)

Nevet is providing 17,000 sandwiches each day, but there are approximately 37,000 hungry students who don’t have a sandwich for their breakfast break at school . That means that 20,000 children will go hungry each day. In order to make up the shortfall, Nevet needs your support. Every dollar you give will provide a tasty and nutritious sandwich to a child in need, and ensure that Israeli children will have the power and ability to reach greater levels of achievement in school.

In the words of one school principal, “These meals bring a ‘homey’ atmosphere to the school and to the students who have experienced hardships. It makes them feel wanted and accepted and allows them to develop their talents and abilities.”

The simple sandwich can have a powerful effect and make a real difference in the lives of students, making them more motivated and attentive. Click here to provide Israeli schoolchildren with a healthy and nourishing meal. 

Donate today: Nevet


This article was written in cooperation with Nevet
