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book review

 Tuvia Tenenbom (center) is seen alongside some haredi fans.

'Careful, Beauties Ahead!': A man's look at the haredi world he loved and betrayed

 ROBOTS SIGNIFY ‘going through life without thinking, going through the emotions without feeling, doing things without connecting or being emotionally closed to things.’

'Courageous Chicken': Ba'al teshuva goes warrior chicken

 IDF soldiers of Division 98 in Khan Yunis, January 22, 2024

'Gaza Division Conquered': A chronology of failed concepts

 Byzantine glass fragment.

'The Vatican and Me': One man's journey to find divine treasures

 Lihi Lapid

'On Her Own': The gripping new novel by Lihi Lapid

 A MEMORIAL candle is lit for a deceased loved one.

'Our Names Do Not Appear': Struggles with grief without closure

 An illustrative photo of a Union Jack pattern over someone's face peaking out of murky waters.

'Safe Haven': An important account of Nazis in the UK

 THE SEDER takes place, last year, in the Land of Israel.

This Haggadah can help you have a Zionist Seder this Passover

 CHILDREN WALKING in Tekoa, located in Judea and Samaria, 2019.

'Raizi and the Passover Plans': A book for ages 9-120

 CARNAC THE Magnificent was a reccurring comedic role that Johnny Carson introduced on ‘The Tonight Show’ in 1964.

'It's Not B'Seder': Injecting some fun into Passover

 A traditional Seder table setting.

'Empowering Seder Conversations': Making Passover Seder inclusive

 LIHI LAPID: Now that the book is being published in English, I think people who read it outside of Israel will have a greater understanding of what it means to be Israeli, of the price we pay for our life here. That’s very meaningful to me.

Lihi Lapid's novel ‘On Her Own’

 OPENING of Salamone Rossi’s ‘Madrigaletti,’ Venice, 1628, on display at the Diaspora Museum, Tel Aviv.

'Orfeo’s Last Act': A plot spanning Renaissance Italy and modern England

 Alzheimer's disease (illustrative).

'Now You Are Here': For those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's

 ULTRA-ORTHODOX CHILDREN follow a Scroll of Esther reading in Beit Shemesh

'The Genius of Israel': The Jewish state always bounces back

Camera 370

'The Lonka Project': Pictures of Jews from world leading photographers

 Françoise S. Ouzan

'True to My God and Country': Groundbreaking book on US Jews fighting in WWII

 A statue commemorates New York politician Jacob Leisler, who in 1689 purchased land for 1,675 pounds for a French Huguenot settlement north of Manhattan to be called New Rochelle.

'The Best Minds' examines mental illness and deinstitutionalization