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 HAREDI MEN clash with police during a protest  in Jerusalem, following the arrest of an IDF recruit who failed to comply with his draft orders, last month

Expiration of haredi draft deferments hurtles Israel into brave new world

 Shas leader MK Aryeh Deri and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen during a Shas party meeting, at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on January 23, 2023.

Israeli gov't in crisis as Netanyahu, haredi parties fail to reach IDF draft deal

HAREDI MEN protest outside the IDF recruiting office in Jerusalem.

Israeli rabbi: Torah students cannot serve in IDF, they are protecting soldiers

 Haredi men dressed in traditional ultra-Orthodox garb stand behind a group of religious IDF soldiers

Netanyahu rushes to get agreements on haredi draft as deadline looms

HAREDI MEN protest outside the IDF recruiting office in Jerusalem.

Gov’t to vote on new Haredi conscription plan as coalition teeters

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walking outside his office at the Knesset, Israel's parliament in Jerusalem on March 13, 2024.

Netanyahu warns Likud: Without IDF draft bill, Israeli gov't will fall

 ORTHODOX SOLDIERS participate in an IDF swearing-in ceremony in Jerusalem.

Social Equality Ministry to help ex-Haredim draft to IDF

A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews blocked traffic and the light rail  in Jerusalem demonstrating against a Haredi draft into the IDF. February 26, 2024.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews block traffic, light rail in Haredi draft protest

POLITICIANS MODIFIED the Conscription Law by creating annual draft quotas, whose monitoring by the IDF has now been proven flawed

The untapped potential of the ultra-Orthodox draft

 IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi seen on February 13, 2024

All members of Israeli society must be drafted, IDF chief says

 Moses and Aaron with the 10 Commandments (illustrative).

Judaism: A culture of tremendous individuality and freedom

 Israeli soldiers and Ultra Orthodox Jews pray at a staging area near the Israeli-Gaza border, southern Israel, November 28, 2023.

Majority of Israeli haredim oppose draft despite the war

By Brooke Sarah Borden
 THE WRITER'S daughter walks to her bus on her 'yom giyus,' draft day.

Drafting in wartime with no hesitation - comment

Ultra orthodox Jewish men who decided to join in the IDF following the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas arrive at the IDF recruiting offices in Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv, October 23, 2023.

Why are haredim enlisting now? - editorial

 Haredim protest in Jerusalem against the conscription of ultra-Orthodox youth into the army.

Israel arrests yeshiva student for draft dodging, extremists to protest

Haredi man and IDF soldiers in Jerusalem.

Israelis overwhelmingly support transport on Shabbat, haredi IDF draft

Young Israelis arrive to the Israeli army recruitment center at Tel Hashomer, outside of Tel Aviv on March 17, 2020.

How will IDF deal with Israeli high school grads' refusal to serve? - analysis

 Haredim protest in Jerusalem against the conscription of ultra-Orthodox youth into the army.

Knesset's summer recess overshadowed by Conscription Law debate - analysis