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 During his 1799 siege of Acre, Napoleon promised the Jews the ‘reestablishment of ancient Jerusalem.’

24 biblical, historical events that happened in the Hebrew month of Nissan

 PHARAOH’S ARMY engulfed by the Red Sea, by Frederick Arthur Bridgman, 1900. ‘The wind dropped, the waters flooded back, and the entire Egyptian force was drowned.’

Miracles do happen: A look at the biblical splitting of the Red Sea

 ONE ACCEPTING the yoke of heaven enters into a relationship of love and friendship with God.

Shabbat Passover: Song of love, longing, and illumination

 ISRAELI AMBASSADOR to the UN Gilad Erdan shows a video of Iranian drones and missiles heading toward Israel, at a UN Security Council meeting in New York City, April 14.

Passover 2024: Finding God's presence as the Jewish state fights to survive

 THESE RAW feelings of fear and anguish provided moments of deep, raw conversation.

Four Passover conversations with God

 IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi walks with senior officers near Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on March 20.

Reestablishing Israeli military invincibility and common destiny


Parashat Tazria: ‘Tzara’at’ and divine providence

 An illustrative image of a man looking up at the starry sky.

Jewish atheist David Baddiel makes a case for God

 Gratefulness (illustrative)

Parashat Tzav: Thank you, thank you, and again, thank you

 MEGILLAT ESTHER is read – with a becostumed queen in attendance– on Purim eve 2023, in Tel Aviv’s Great Synagogue.

Purim: Why is the book of Esther holy if God isn't mentioned?

 An illustrative image of the biblical prophet Moses leading the Jews out of slavery in Egypt in the Exodus.

Testimonies for how the Jews were chosen to represent God

 WHILE SEEING is believing, hearing is a deeper sense.

Parashat Ki Tisa: Seeing and hearing: The difference

 WHY DID God create each of us with an incurable illness called… ‘Life’?!

Death and life in the Land of Israel

How was the faith of Jewish Israelis been affected by the October 7 massacre and war?

Third of Israelis hold a stronger belief in God since October 7, 'Post' survey finds

 ‘SHAKEN AND Stirred (Har Sinai),’ 70x90, acrylic on canvas, 2020.

Parashat Yitro: Under the mountain

 DOES GOD stand trial? Inside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem.

Putting God on trial: The problem of divine collateral damage

 A MEMORIAL candle is lit for a deceased loved one.

This day of communal Kaddish, enacted after the Holocaust, is just right for this moment

By Rabbi Avital Hochstein/JTA , Rabbi Elie Kaunfer/JTA
 RELEGATED TO a display: At the British Museum, sculptures from the Parthenon, the temple on Athens’ Acropolis that stood as a Greek monument to democracy.

Hanukkah, Hamas: Wars against ungodly ideas to restore belief in God