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Jewish day school

 DIASPORA AFFAIRS Minister Amichai Chikli in the Knesset – facing a challenge over Israel’s relations with the Diaspora.

Israel to invest NIS 150 million in Jewish education in N. America

 New Israeli Shekel banknotes are seen in this picture illustration taken November 9, 2021.

Too many investment choices? Keep it simple - opinion

 DIASPORA AFFAIRS Minister Amichai Chikli in the Knesset – facing a challenge over Israel’s relations with the Diaspora.

Israel's Diaspora Ministry gets biggest ever budget: NIS 500m.

 CET's Niflaot program

Meet the new curriculum for teaching Hebrew in Jewish day schools

 Participants are seen at the Yael Foundation conference in Paphos, Cyprus.

Cyprus-based foundation aims to bring Jewish education worldwide