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 UKRAINE’S PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelensky, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chairman Yuli Edelstein, and Swiss Federal President Viola Amherd attend the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, at Buergenstock Resort in Switzerland, this weekend.

From Uber rides to global insights: How media bias shapes perceptions of identities

 An IDF soldier is seen praying.

'Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below': How Oct. 7 impacted Jewish identity

By Rivkah Lambert Adler
 PARTICIPANTS IN Prizmah’s recent Israel Educators Mission visit Sderot. (20/4/2024)

From distance to presence, Prizmah’s Israel Educators Mission

 An Israeli settler takes part in celebrations marking the Jewish holiday of Purim, as IDF soldiers patrol, in Hebron in the West Bank March 7, 2023.

UK Jewish child doxxed for wearing IDF costume on Purim

 Jewish youth from all over the world participating in the March of the Living at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland on April 11, 2018.

Loving Jewishness with one's whole being: The head, the heart and the hands - opinion

 Jewish or Israeli? A man wearing a jacket decorated with the Star of David.

How can Israel stay Jewish and democratic? - opinion

 FAMILY AND FRIENDS of IDF solider Adi Malik mourn at his funeral in the Druze village of Beit Jann on Sunday, after he was killed during the ground operation in the Gaza strip

Israel's Declaration of Independence includes all - opinion

 Ben M. Freeman.

25 ViZionaries: Ben M. Freeman - No. 8

 PARTICIPANTS GATHER at last year's Jerusalem March for Pride and Tolerance. LGBTQ+ people in Jerusalem come from incredibly precarious circumstances and need abundant resources.

Coming out as Jewish: What being a Jew and LGBTQ+ have in common - opinion

 OUR EXPERIENCE of keeping kosher shifts along with food culture and production methods.

Kosher food: A definitive key ingredient of Jewish identity - opinion

 The front page of the ‘New York Post’ after Fatima Mohammed’s CUNY commencement speech

Don't let anti-Zionists define Zionism - opinion

 SHAVUOT IS celebrated at Moshav Ramot Naftali, in the north, this past May. Festivals like Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot are linked to agricultural cycles.

World Indigenous Day: Recognizing Jews' ties to the Land of Israel - opinion

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu stands in front of a portrait of first prime minister David Ben-Gurion.

Israel isn't suffering a constitutional crisis, but an identity crisis - opinion

By Gadi Hitman
 THE WRITER addresses the annual Tzohar conference, in Tel Aviv, last month.

Israel vs Judaism: Can these two identities coexist? - opinion

A man waves an Israeli flag during a rally against antisemitism, in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in May.

Jews are distinct – we should take pride in our Jewishness - opinion