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 A statue of Hercules and a lion

2,000 year old Roman carving of smiley face discovered in Spain

 A marble Corinthian column capital is seen on the sea floor off the coast of Israel.

Ancient Roman-era marble cargo shipwreck found by Israeli beachgoer

‘Smiling Buddha (Buddha Looking at Old Candle TV),’ 1992, by Korean-American artist Nam June Paik

Buddha statue uncovered in Egypt's Red Sea reveals ancient trade route

 Illustrative image of an underwater temple.

Ancient underwater temple found off coast of Naples - report

 A camel shepherd is seen in the desert at sunset in Raqqa city, Syria July 28, 2017.

Roman-era military camps found in Saudi Arabian desert

 Illustrative image of a vineyard.

Archaeologists reveal glamorous ancient winery among Roman ruins

Figurines found near the excavation site in Rennes, France.

Temple believed to be dedicated to Roman god of war uncovered in France

 Apollo statue

Archaeologists discover ring with carnelian carving of Apollo

DAVID BEN-GURION showing guests around Sde Boker.

The debt to the Jewish rebels against Rome - opinion

Egyptian mummy.

Ancient Egyptian burials inform scientists on state of ancient climate - study

 Depictions of Euclid and Ptolemy with a cosmological diagram between them. Engraving. (Illustrative).

Scientists finish 200-year decryption of ancient Greek-Egyptian treatise - study

 Submerged remains of Roman Emperor Claudius' nymphaeum in the ancient luxury resort town of Baia.

Archaeologists find lavish marble décor in ancient undersea city of sin

 The Exeter Cathedral (Illustrative).

Roman remains uncovered beneath UK's Exeter Cathedral

 Roman villa model

Ancient Roman villa mosaic found on UK supermarket construction site

Close-up of the flower decorations on the mosaic.

Archaeologists uncover Roman-era church mosaic along Israel Nat'l Trail