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theodor herzl

 A CELEBRATION of Yom Yerushalayim.

A Zionist Omer: Significant days in Israeli history

 AS A RESULT of the jaw-dropping miscalculations of this Likud-led coalition, a new and powerful camp was created: the pro-democracy camp. This camp will set the tone for years to come.

Israel's Days of Future Passed: How our crisis began and how to fix it

 MOROCCAN OLIM arrive in Israel, 1954: Herzl makes clear that immigration is a tool, not the essence.

Can we use Theodor Herzl to solve Israeli politics, Palestinian issue? - opinion

Everyone knows Herzl, it's time for everyone to know Max Nordau

By Zack Rothbart/JTA
 ‘Herzl is our modern Moses’

Can we draft Herzl for today's Jewish issues?