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The Torah outlines the foundational narrative of Judaism. It consists of the first five of the 24 books that make up the Tanach. The five books are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It narrates the origins of Judaism- from God's creation of the world, to the descent of the people of Israel into Egypt and their salvation with the granting of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The Torah ends with the death of Moses, prior to the people's crossing to the promised land. The books highlight civil laws, religious obligations, and teachings such as the 10 commandments.
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 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC Energy Agency director-general Rafael Grossi at an IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, September 13.

Israel's message to Iran: We will act to destroy the nuclear threat

By David Ben-Basat
 THE ANZAC Torah is held high by rabbi David Yitzchak Friedman during the Gallipoli Campaign of World War I in 1915.

The story of the ANZAC Torah and how it survived

 An illustrative image of a baby being offered to the Molech.

Parashat Aharei Mot: Holiness of the family

 ONE ACCEPTING the yoke of heaven enters into a relationship of love and friendship with God.

Shabbat Passover: Song of love, longing, and illumination

 WOMEN CALL for the release of the hostages in Tel Aviv in February. Women have a special visionary insight that creates reality and repairs the world, the writer argues.

The three elements we can learn from Passover: Vision, miracle and freedom

1,200-year-old siddur dates back to first half of 9th century AD.

Divine pattern: Redemption before vengeance

By Mark Fish

Rabbi Pinto to his students: "Problems are not solved with manipulative behavior"

By David Berger

Parashat Tazria: ‘Tzara’at’ and divine providence

An illustration of lit candles and in the background the Israeli flag on December 17, 2023

Is Israel a Jewish ghetto or Hebrew kingdom in our ancestral homeland? - opinion

 Jews from all over the country gathered to commemorate the bibilical entrance into the land of Israel, April 9, 2024.

Israelis commemorate Bible's Jordan River crossing 3,300 years ago

 IDF soldiers inspect the remains of a police station in Sderot, which was the site of a battle following a mass infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, on October 8.

We are not stuck on October 7, we are at twilight of October 8

 Red heifer from BL

Red Heifer, Amalek, and Reactions of Nations

By Mark Fish

Rabbi Pinto’s piercing words about the rift in the nation: "Corruption and destruction"

By David Berger
 BENEFACTORS OF Hadassah Hospital are listed on a glass plaque.

There should be a time limit for a donor's name on a building - opinion

By Dan Horwitz
 PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG writes the final letter in the Kiev Torah scroll, without the hand-guidance of a scribe.

Herzog and Zelensky complete new unifying Torah scroll

 ONE MUST set aside feelings of shame and fear – and perform what is incumbent upon them.

Parashat Shemini: Humility as a prerequisite for the role

 A MASHGIACH checks vegetables in keeping with kashrut laws.

Parashat Shemini: Turning inward, turning outward

RABBI MOSHE SILVER blows a Yemenite shofar at the Jerusalem Promenade

Is it good or bad to be humble and selfless?

By David Berger