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West Bank Israel

Comedian Bill Maher speaks during ceremonies unveiling his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood

Bill Maher says Palestinians should 'move on' in pro-Israel monologue

 A general view of a mosque, after the Israeli army's withdrawal from the Jenin camp, July 5, 2023

IDF suspends soldiers for reciting Jewish prayer inside Jenin mosque

 Palestinian workers in Israel

Israel's indecisiveness on Palestinian workers shows shifting dynamics

 Palestinians inspect the damage after last night raid of Israeli security forces, in the West Bank city of Jenin, October 30, 2023.

Settler violence in the West Bank endangers Muslims and Jews

By Sam Stein/JTA
Mahmoud Abbas addresses the 78th Session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City, U.S., September 21, 2023.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas MIA as Hamas wages war against Israel

A Jewish settler walks past Israeli settlement construction sites around Givat Zeev and Ramat Givat Zeev in the West Bank, near Jerusalem June 30, 2020.

West Bank's Area C 'integral to State of Palestine' - PA prime minister

 Israeli security forces on September 18, 2023 map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the deadly Eli gas station attack in June 2023.

Eli terrorists' homes mapped in West Bank, Erez crossing remains closed - IDF

 A construction site of a new residential neighborhood at the mixed religious-secular Jewish settlement in the West Bank Kfar Adumim, March 9, 2023.

Settlers aim for 1 million Israelis living in West Bank's Samaria by 2050

 AN IDF jeep on the outskirts of Jenin earlier this month, at the beginning of one of its biggest military operations in the Palestinian territory in years.

Did the IDF operation in Jenin 'cut the grass' in West Bank terror?

 Palestinian demonstrators clash with Israeli security forces during a protest in the village of Kfar Qaddum, near the West Bank city of Nablus, October 7, 2022.

Settler leader: Huwara attack fueled US anger at Israeli judicial reform

Gunmen attend a funeral of two Palestinians, who were killed during an Israeli raid, in Nablus in the West Bank July 7,2023.

Netanyahu, Biden strike blow to already weak Abbas, PA - analysis

Israeli soldiers block the entrance to Homesh in the West Bank on May 28, 2022.

State confirms plans to return Israelis to destroyed Homesh settlement

Gunmen attend a funeral of two Palestinians, who were killed during an Israeli raid, in Nablus in the West Bank July 7,2023.

Israel: PA has allowed Iran to gain a West Bank foothold

 Rubble on the streets of the West Bank city of Jenin, following a major Israeli aerial and ground offensive in Jenin, in one of Israel's biggest military operation in the Palestinian territory in years. July 4, 2023.

Guterres: UN won’t send int’l force to protect Palestinians in West Bank

 Israeli police seen on the streets of the central Israeli city of Lod, where synaogues and cars were torched as well as shops damaged, by Arab residents rioted in the city. May 12, 2021.

Jewish extremism and vigilantism is a disturbing trend - opinion