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 Sleep (Illustrative).

People get more dream sleep in the winter, study finds

 THE SIMPLE but inspirational act of donating a high-riser bed stood out (illustrative).

Why you need an earlier bedtime in the winter - study

 A sleeping man

What happens to the body when we sleep with the heating on?

 PICTURE POSTCARDS have nothing on this ski area called Les Sybelles.

A return to Club J: A winter in the French Alps with Israelis - opinion

 Spicy semolina porridge with smoked fish (Aseda Urenga)

Pascale’s Kitchen: Winter treats made with semolina

Winter in Israel.

Why has Israel's winter been more like spring?

People play in the snow in the Golan Heights, Northern Israel. February 18, 2021.

A chilling concern: Could you be allergic to cold?

By Walla!
 A general view of Abadan oil refinery in southwest Iran, is pictured from Iraqi side of Shatt al-Arab in Al-Faw south of Basra, Iraq September 21, 2019.

Facing a very cold winter, gas-rich Iran shutters institutions to save gas

A woman walks in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Weather in Israel: Possible thunderstorms, northern floods, Hermon snow

THE IDEA FOR ‘Sous La Vie’ foods, which come in specially designed bags that go right in with the laundry, was inspired by an effort to aid the homeless.

This is a dangerous mistake that you might be making with laundry

By Walla!
 How to keep your car window from becoming foggy

Foggy window pane? This is how to defrost in a jiffy

By Walla!
 A large tree fell during rainstorms in Sacramento, California

California storm leaves over 120,000 still without power

 A generator outside a Jewish institution in Ukraine.

Secret operation gives Ukrainian Jews generators to warm freezing winter

 Ginger tea has many uses when it comes to fighting infection and illness.

Have a sore throat during winter? Drink these three types of tea

By Walla!
Fresh organic vegetable set of tomatoes dill and onion on white kitchen table

Feel cold and flu symptoms starting? You should eat these foods

By Walla!