The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post: Business and Innovation

Affordable housing for young adults will be built at Ashdod's old stadium site

 District A, Stadium Complex, Ashdod. (photo credit: Liron Moldovan)
District A, Stadium Complex, Ashdod.
(photo credit: Liron Moldovan)

The Israel Land Authority issued a tender for 453 apartments in Ashdod under the "Target Price" program. The site will later include 1,000 units, towers up to 24 stories, commercial areas, and more.

The Israel Land Authority and the Ministry of Construction and Housing have published a "Target Price" housing tender for the purchase of leasing rights in three complexes for the construction of 453 residential units in high-density buildings in District A, Stadium Complex, Ashdod. Some of the apartments will be sold on the open market.

The plots offered in the tender are intended for residential high-density construction as part of the "Stadium District A in Ashdod" plan, covering about 3.7 hectares in northern Ashdod, on the site of the old stadium and the adjacent strip between the First Streets, Jabotinsky, and Histadrut in District A. 

The plots are part of a residential neighborhood consisting of about 974 housing units in buildings ranging from 10 to 24 stories, some with commercial frontages on the ground floor. The neighborhood continues the existing residential fabric surrounding it, connecting with a continuous network of green public spaces and including areas for public institutions, road infrastructure, and open public spaces.

The tender competition will be based on the highest bid for the land or through a profit-maximizing method, according to the instructions detailed in the tender conditions.

